The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

@Jasklo good to see you, old friend…by my accounting you still owe a final decision story :slight_smile: :smile:


If you have a student that is waiting to hear from Montclair state and they were accepted the school prior to the Holidays, have them recheck their admission letter. We just checked after someone told us to. They have made changes to the letter, without a change notification in the portal or a change to the date of the letter. We just found out he was not admitted for MT but is now Undeclared/Undecided.
They say he can go in as Undeclared and do something called the “Discovery Program” and meet with the department again and go along some Art/Performing Track. Not sure what all that means, but thankful he has some terrific BA and one awesome BFA option already.


Thanks for the heads up! S just checked and, indeed, there was a “secret update” and Montclair now drops off the list. I love that the “sorry, we don’t want you for MT” is buried in the letter as confetti is streaming down. It’s actually comical.


She doesn’t know if any have left, but she would need to enter the program as a freshman regardless. Her advisor made her aware of that when she indicated she was going to start the audition process. So, as she is auditioning and waiting to hear back, she is simultaneously carrying a full semester’s worth of credits in her current major - Speech and Communication Disorders. If she does by chance get in, we will have paid for two years in a major she will abandon, but, we will support her. She has been doing theatre and studying voice since she has been 7. She has spent her summers in theatre camps. She has gone to All-State and All- Nationals as a soprano 1. She is also an All State violinist. We fully expected her to do music or theatre, but she is also very type-A. She likes a plan and she likes certainty which careers in music and theatre lack; therefore, she decided she would go in another direction. She does like her major as it gives her a chance to study the voice in a more physiological way. She is also currently pursuing a minor in theatre. We will see what happens. The wondergful thing about PSU is that their extracurricular theatre clubs are very good. So if she doesnt get in, she will still have that. My son is currently auditioning for trumpet performance at a whole bunch of schools. Having them both preparing pre-screen and audition material has been interesting!! So much work. Next year my youngest daughter will be applying to schools to major in evolutionaly biology. It will seem like a cake walk helping her through the process after doing all of these music applications!!!

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My D didn’t want me to at the time. I have it written, let me see if she will let me post now.

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How are you? How is the decision working out?

Are there any 2024 MT update threads?

The vision of the confetti and thanks but no thanks from Montclair is just too much. My daughter had to read her letter twice to find the 2 sentences that said she had been waitlisted. Not sure what they were thinking.

@NYYFanNowMTdad We have an offer, a waitlist, and three emails stating intentions to offer. So far so good! Thanks for your well wishes. It takes a lot for a kid to dust themselves off and do this again. But for her it was the right thing. She is ready now - wasn’t last year. And at long last I think I’ve learned to chill! :nerd_face:


@moosegirlemy2 sounds great, yes there are many stories on these threads of successful gap years, the new format here makes it hard in my opinion to find those threads but I found them invaluable.

Congrats on the Montclair waitlist!

Maybe we should start one!

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Hi there! I just saw your post asking about PSU notifications. I have twins going through this. Within a couple weeks, one of them got “deferred” to a March notification- or “you’re still in consideration.” The other got a “no,” but asked if he’d like to choose another major? He did, and received academic acceptance yesterday. That’s great to know about the active thespian groups outside of the BFA’s. I have not heard that PSU has offered any artistic acceptances yet- but I could be wrong.

My daughter got a “no” too ;0(. She handled it pretty well though. She is currently at PSU and in her second semester sophmore year (Speech pathology major/theatre minor) and it would have meant being a freshman all over again if she got in. I will say that my daughter absolutely loves PSU. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. I can even put your son in contact with her. There are 2 big theatre groups that put on at least 2 musicals a year. The talent pool is huge and the shows are amazing even though they arent the actual “theatre majors”. They are performed in beautiful auditoriums. They also have many acapella groups on campus.
My son has just been accepted there for Trumpet performance. He has also been accepted into some top conservatories, but he is still considering PSU because of what a great experience my daughter has had there.
Good luck to your twins and let me know if I can provide any further information on PSU!


I’m sorry to hear that. We were rooting for her. Her story is inspiring and I think it is incredible that she was willing to start over! That kind of determination and resilience will serve her well!!

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I was thinking today how we arrived at Chicago Unifieds one year ago tonight so I thought I’d pop on to see if I can offer any insight. It’s clear virtual has not tempered the wild ride that is the audition season! Sending all positives vibes your way. This it a TOUGH time. The switch from Rejection Socks to Virtual Confetti from Montclair has me SMH…like that’s so much better. Sigh.

@PerpetualWorrier My impressions about the MMC campus from last year…well I say campus when really it’s not a traditional college campus. The buildings are tucked in to the city and taking the subway to a dance or voice class is the norm. The facility and students were down to earth and passionate. The interior of building could use a facelift, but that kind of thing isn’t as important to us as it might be to others. It’s definitely the outskirts of Manhattan but a 10 dollar Uber gets you to Times Square. I walked around by myself during the day and felt very safe (found a KILLER deli) but I have big city experience. I wouldn’t have advised D to be out at night without a group in that area. Hope that helps! I have no experience with the other schools on your list.


Thank you for you MMC impressions! Exactly the kind of info I’m looking for.

Yeah… I can’t seem to find a lot of information about the other programs on CC. I’ll have to keep digging around.

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Is your child on the facebook group the kids are on? I think it is called the searchforellewoods this year? If not I can find out the exact name from my son

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My son is not, but his friends are. It is the “The Search for Elle Woods”. Make sure it says it’s run by current and former MT people.

ETA: Social media in general stresses DS out so he chose one platform (IG). I understand that the group is very helpful.

We just visited Viterbo. D accepted to the MT. She absolutely loved. One great thing is the acting and MT are intertwined. First two years classes are together. Kids supported each other and the attention to each student was amazing. Top choice now!!! Waiting to see if accepted other schools but seemed like Viterbo was the right school for her.


That is great to hear! From what I can tell by their website and the description of their program in his acceptance e-mail, it sounds like a wonderful place. The curriculum is just the right balance of acting/singing/dancing for DS. We definitely need to schedule a visit.