The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

does anybody actually know the amount of people that got an audition for umich MT because I know a lot of people who just got cut after the prescreens.

Hi everyone. DD just got another acceptance from her walk ins from Arcadia. They even gave her an award (6K) from her audition, which I assume would come out of her tuition.

Anyone know anything about the Program? Honestly we just did it b/c her coach told her to put them in there.

Thanks to all. Still waiting on 7 schools!!


Congratulations to your daughter!!!

Thank you!! So nice to have choice. I highly recommend walk ins, for anyone reading this for next yearā€™s class. It is a relatively painless way to do this process, and generally the directors come so you really get to meet the people who will make final decisions.

Hoping for more successes for all as we round into this home stretch for notifications. Itā€™s March on Monday!!!


Congrats to your daughter! And I totally agree about walk ins, at least how they were done this year! Relatively painless and cheaper; we did 2 and one school even gave us a waiver code for the school application!

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I heard 600.

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YES. Walk ins really were great. Where did your S or D audition? (Well probably literally from your house, but I mean which schools, hahaha)

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Haha, our audition space is actually the basement so thereā€™s enough room to move around without moving furniture! My student did Molloy/Cap21 and LIU Post, and got a callback for LIU thatā€™s tomorrow :crossed_fingers:


Hi guys. 2024 Parent here. I remember that this time last year was sooooo stressful and I was checking this site regularly for any nugget of information that might be helpful. Iā€™m TOTALLY lost on this new CC format and having a little trouble navigating, but I wanted to help any '25 parents that find my experience useful so I thought Iā€™d post this here and if anyone wants to ask me anything just message me. I think those still come through as emails so I should see them.
My D received MT offers last year from: JMU, U of Arizona, Point Park, Texas State, Florida State, Ball State, West Virginia, ECU, Rider, & Roosevelt CCPA.
She chose Florida State and is EXTREMELY happy!
I remember last year I could find parents from all of the other schools to ask questions, but none from FSU. I think that maybe because the class is so small (they only take 8) there are just fewer people. I am still just a freshman mom but I will do the best I can and will ask my daughter if I donā€™t know the answer.
Hang in there mamas and dads! Youā€™re almost to the finish line!!!


Thank you so much for your support, kind words and offer to share your experience. I may be taking you up on that offer in the near future. It feels reassuring to hear from a parent who has come through the other side of this crazy ride!

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Last year 250 students were invited to live auditions at Michigan. It could be more this year though since theyā€™re all virtual.

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We just received yet another congratulations and welcome package in the mail from a school that rejected my student artistically; I asked if student wanted me to just toss it in the recycle bin, but student had a better idea and ceremoniously burned it in our woodstove :joy:


My daughter is the student rep for prospective students. Iā€™m sure you met after Vince gave his speech. Reach out to the students. They are all over Instagram and Tiktok - you can message them and ask any of your questions.
Quite honestly this year may be different from years past in terms of numbers or time frame for acceptance.
Hang in there!! Dreams can come true!


Otterbein calls going out.


Thank you so much! My daughter was RD, so we will wait until mid-March!

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The JMU RD program notifications will be in the same portal where she receives her academic admissions decision.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions. --Kate

Thank you!

Congratulations! I work within walking distance of Arcadia. It is a nice, safe area. I donā€™t know anything about their MT program. Enjoy weighing the choices;)

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How closely does BA MT work with BM Voice w/ MT Conc at JMU? Is BM Voice w/ MT conc a worthwhile experience for a student who really wanted BFA MT first? Or will it be much more voice focused? Thanks for any insight.

Was it an email, snail mail or phone call?