The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Yes - through emailat 3:30pm EST. My son’s last name starts with “M” if that helps in any way.

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Ithaca is a yes! She is over the moon.

Wishing all of you who haven’t had great news yet that it comes soon!!!


No singing here either.

Congrats to your D @Bigtheaterfan! Over the moon is what we are all hoping for!!

Still nothing from Ithaca. Guess that’s not good…

YAY!!! congratulations on ithaca!!! fantastic news

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Way to go!!!


Congratulations to everyone!!!

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yes congratulations to all! i think this should be a reality show…MT college applications. truly no one would
believe it!!!


Also AZ is making calls!!

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Congratulations!! MT or Acting? S or D?

My D got the AZ call tonight, too (MT)! One of her Top 3 so she’s super excited!


In the same boat. Nothing from Ithaca or AZ

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In our experience Ithaca is lightning fast with the nos…so no news is probably good!


My daughter’s Rider acceptance today came as an email saying to check her portal. There was a letter dated today with an acceptance, then another letter with a scholarship offer. Hope that helps. Fingers and toes crossed for you.


How weird that they told you to check at a certain time! Ours just said “Status update” and said there was an update in our portal. Email came about 2:15 today.

My daughter’s email was there when she woke up in the morning. Then she received an email also that said for “accepted students.” She called me and said, “Mom, I think I got into Rider…” She said but we better wait for confirmation this afternoon, lol. I am super happy for her, but felt bad that literally 15 minutes after the portal update, her friend got into Ithaca and she realized those were going out and she didn’t get one. So the celebration was cut short by anxiety waiting and then not receiving anything from Ithaca. Rollercoaster ride for sure!


Congrats on Rider!!!


@Ermom2 sounds like our daughters are similar in more than one way (bummer they didn’t land at TCU together). Mine is waiting on 2 more BFA program news but I think she has made her final decision already (like your daughter, mine wants the “typical” college experience rather than a conservatory–she only auditioned at 8 schools and so far only offered a BFA spot at one of those–TCU was really her top choice). Will watch for more news–good luck to your daughter!