The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Have people been hearing about TCU??? I know decisions were coming out first week of March. @Shine19 and @Ermom2 - you have already heard from them?

Does anyone know when Shenandoah will be notifying acceptances?

Congratulations to all who have received great news this week! Sending good wishes to all!


We got a rejection weeks ago. (TCU)

Congratulations on Rider!!! Ithaca’s still in play too! Ya never know…


How is Ithaca still in play? (I am a) Newbie!!! Are acceptance letters rolling?

My D has one last audition this Friday at Central Oklahoma. Will anyone else be there? We’re still waiting on several decisions. My daughter has heard through the Elle Woods FB group that lots of people have gotten nos and a few yeses from Ball State and Wright State - but she’s heard nothing. Anyone else in the same boat? Also still waiting on Molloy, Otterbein and UAB (all MT).

We are waiting on a lot of schools. One I have not heard a peep about is Point Park MT. Any intel on timing?


We got a no From BSU but have not heard anything from Wright State. We are waiting on 11 still. We also have not heard from Molloy.

Point Park (at least for acting) told my daughter that they expect to release decisions March 17.

I have on my spreadsheet Point Park March 11. How or where I found that at some point who knows.

Shenandoah said they are meeting Wednesday and hope to get offers out at the end of the week or next week. It will be a phone call. GL to all!


we are waiting on 7 schools still!

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We are waiting on 6! We are all getting closer…sending good vibes to everyone!

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I wish I could keep better track of who’s who and what schools but that’s probably not realistic! I’m so happy your daughter is in at…RIDER? Did I get that right without looking? LOL!!!

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RE: Ithaca still in play

So if you haven’t gotten a no yet, it’s still a possibility that they are holding on for a reason. Haven’t decided yet, wait list, etc. Hang in there!


I think Molloy comes out the 4th!


Sorry to hear. Thank you for the share though. I guess I am really seeing that the "no"s are so often sent in advance of the "yes"s or "waitlist"s. My son got a no for MT and Acting at Ithaca a week ago and the yeses are just now coming in. This process is torturous.

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Ok thank you! She has good offers but Ithaca is one of her top picks and of course waiting to hear on a few others.

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Lol, you did! She is accepted at UAB, Rider and waitlisted at Marymount…


Yikes. I had heard (have no idea from where) that Molloy was coming out next week. Would be thrilled to have a decision on March 4th!

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