The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT


mine auditioned Ithaca MT January 30, waitlist today


My girl did Ithaca MT audition late January, today was first info since then

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My DD’s admission counselor at Illinois Wesleyan told her via email yesterday it would “likely be a few more weeks” until decisions were released.

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Hey. I’m sorry you’re feeling that dread. It is familiar to me. Honestly, though, if you still have nine schools on the table, I feel like the odds are in your favor! As hard as it is to wait, hearing nothing is better than getting a no. No word means you’re still in the mix, in my opinion. Hang in there. We have only one yes, and as much as I want her to get another, if she doesn’t, that just means her path is laid out more clearly for her. Don’t mean to sound all Pollyanna about it, but it’s how I get through!


My D got a yes for BFA MT on 2/26, and a yes for BM MT on 3/3. Her audition was on 2/12.

This thread is a conglomeration of many topics and discussions at one time and so when you are referring to a college or program, it would be a lot easier to follow the discussion if posters could NAME the college or program they are referring to. THANKS! Good luck to all your kids. It will be great when you get to the “other side” of this process. Things have a way of working themselves out. :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s quite a first post re: Elon and Michigan MT acceptances - congrats to your son! I didn’t post at all in my daughter’s audition year. I was trying (and privately failing, because of course I was obsessed) to let it be her journey. The support and intel from those who were willing to pour out their hearts and let their freak flag fly meant the world to me. Rooting for all of you awesome people.


D was waitlisted at Ithaca too!


Do we know anything about the Ithaca waitlist? Does it move? Do they typically have people paired with others that don’t come so you only get their spot, or is it more general? It seems there are many on the waitlist, so maybe they typically have a lot of movement?

Yeah, curious if it’s general or is it ok we have x number of girls who fit this type or fill this need in the program

Someone earlier posted about “how the sausage is made!” Yes! With zero authority or need to know security clearance, I would like to know. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Anyone still waiting to hear from Ithaca? Early February audition, not a word yet. Thanks

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A question was asked about the waitlist in our Ithaca info session. They said it’s by voice type
if a tenor declines, they choose another tenor. They also said they try to give the kids a reasonable expectation about whether they are going to be accepted before May 1. But it’s not always possible.

Just my opinion but I think there will be MASSIVE waitlist movement everywhere this year. Look at all the kids on here with 7-8 acceptances. They are only going to one school. Be optimistic and see the waitlist as a win. Again, just my opinion!


Thanks so much for this insight!

Got the “no longer in consideration” from Otterbein yesterday and also waitlist from UAB. Final audition today - in person at Central Oklahoma. She’s so excited to meet some people going through this process and actually sing with an accompanist instead of her phone :slight_smile:


Break a Leg!

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We are still waiting.

Thank you! I am a Theatre Teacher in MA and I currently have 7 kids going through this process - obviously we are having 7 different experiences - but I have 2 still waiting to hear from Ithaca.

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BAL and enjoy every minute!

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If it helps. My daughter auditioned Jan 30 too and heard yesterday for the waitlist.