The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

My D is waitlisted for BFA MT Freedonia. Awaiting decision from Emerson BFA MT, Univ of Arizona BFA MT, Steinhardt BM in VP (MT), Colorado Boulder BFA MT, UNH BA in Theatre (MT option) and Northeastern BA in Theatre (Performance Concentration). I know that Emerson will release BOTH decision for the College and the Program jointly, in early April. Unsure of the others. The waiting is KILLING me and my D doesn’t even seem to be anxious. It 's helpful to see everyone else’s experiences!


Thank you for all the sharing:) This is so stressful!

Ha, yes! Though I guess I am grateful for my student’s (apparent) ability to block it out and not obsess about it at every moment like me :joy:

Regarding Emerson, did you hear from the school directly about the timeline? I know they’re always pretty late, but I hadn’t heard when results would be released, so good info to have, thanks!

Best of luck to your daughter!

i looked at prior years and it’s generally around march 15. does anyone have info for this year that’s different? thanks!

My D was accepted to the BM and the BFA MT at CU Boulder. We weren’t sure which would be the better fit so she applied to both. We’re still not sure, but she’s leaning BFA.

Hi! Thanks. When did you hear?

@Mt2025mom, My D got a yes for BFA MT on 2/26, and a yes for BM MT on 3/3. Her audition for CU Boulder was on 2/12.

Re: CU Boulder, my D was sent an email from the Director of BM in MT after he reviewed her prescreen, telling her that he “had the pleasure” of reviewing her prescreen and if she wanted to apply to the BM in MT (in addition to BFA in MT), to do so. My D opted not to do so bc it is something like 70 credit hours in Music and she wanted a broader experience. That is awesome that your D got accepted to both! But she was also told by BFA in MT that she did not need to do a live audition - they had what they needed to make a decision based on her prescreen. Anyone else get that response? Re: Emerson, I had a live chat with an admissions advisor who said that the decision will be in April for BOTH the college and program at the same time. And, LOL about your daughter not obsessing. I am not even sure if my D has thought about it all! I guess that as parents we understand how life changing this can be, but it is also good that they are not thinking about it the same way!!

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@MT2025mom - did your D have a virtual live audition? My D was told she didn’t need to do one. The email said that wasn’t a bad thing, but I kind of think it might have been.

I just checked My Ds portal for Univ of Arizona BFA MT and a decision was posted. Not accepted. :frowning: She doesn’t know yet. I guess she will get an email soon. So sad, but not unexpected.

My dd auditioned at Cleveland unifieds. It was a “live prescreen”. She passed the prescreen and they told her that she passed and didn’t need to sign up for the actual audition because they had what they needed from her live prescreen. Who knows? This was the BM MT program. She really liked him during the audition but it seems so long ago now. Back in October!

Re: CU Boulder, a reminder my D applied for the BM vocal performance, not MT, but she was also told “no need for live audition” and she was admitted, in case that helps! Seems reasonable to me that that response would not necessarily indicate yes or no, as they said in the email.

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@mathandsinging: That is good news! How was your D notified that she was accepted to the CU Boulder BM vocal performance?

Penn State sending out what appears to be its last set of no’s.

Re: CU Boulder, artistic acceptance notice was an email. Portal has not been updated.

My D has good academics stats that have been serving her well at other schools and she feels confident about academic admission, but CU is known for being stingy with academic merit money and generous for music so we are just really curious how that will play out. A great scholarship offer is a good way to get a girl (and her mom) excited about a school! :grinning:

Re:Penn State- acting or MT?

A friend was accepted to Boulder a purple of years ago. Even though he ended up elsewhere, he really like the program and the professors.

DS got the yes email from Syracuse last night, after getting the no email from UMich earlier in the day! We are beyond excited! Couple of things:

  1. From CC Syracuse Regular decision board - Notifications are coming in waves. DS received a VPA Leadership Scholarship which it appears each individual college (Newhouse, Faulks, etc) has. From the comments, it looks like maybe only those recipients were notified yesterday.

  2. Check the PROMOTIONS FOLDER especially if you use Gmail! DS got the email a little after 5pm. He didn’t find it until after “movie night” around 8pm because promotions email doesn’t send a notification to his phone. Apparently I’m the only obsessive checker in the family. :roll_eyes:

  3. The letter is from the school not the VPA department.

So if your kiddo has applied to Syracuse, they are STILL IN THE RUNNING! :heartpulse: Sending positive vibes to everyone!:performing_arts:


Congrats to your son on his Syracuse acceptance! And thanks for sharing all the communication details, helps so much!

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@E2L1DC re:Syracuse. Was this for MT or acting?

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