The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

GMAIL - if they go to “All Mail” option instead of “Inbox” you will pick up everything that was received or sent. My kids are heavy gmail users… they pointed that out to me when I kept asking them to check the promotions folder! :slight_smile:

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We just got an email from Point Park. Subject was prescreen update - (We had a live audition).

I wanted to reach out to you one last time regarding your admittance to Point Park. I understand that being artistically denied may feel defeating, but your journey doesn’t have to stop there!

Umm interesting rejection.

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Yes we have been checking all of the folders. Their initial emails went to promotions folder so we did add them to contact list but are still checking it along with spam folder.
Don’t know what to think…no news is good news? Or they’ll send the rejection with all other majors. Who knows! Lol

We also heard from The New School quickly for EA, it was the first acceptance back in December. Email.

Molloy/CAP21 decsisions showing up in their portal.


(Ithaca MT) D still hasn’t heard portal unchanged .

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Just to triple-double-dog-check, the line from the Molloy portal is this:
“I am pleased to inform you that your application for admission into the Freshman Class Fall 2021 in the area of Theatre Arts (BFA) has been approved.”
That DOES IN FACT mean Cap 21, correct? Not missing anything, right?


@namenotusedyet - Yes! Molloy’s Theatre Arts (BFA) program is the CAP program. :slight_smile: And congratulations!! :smiley:


Thank you! D is extremely excited (and relieved; it’s her first YES after two no’s and a WL at MaryMan).
The portal letter doesn’t have “Cap 21” written anywhere, so didn’t want to celebrate prematurely.


@namenotusedyet - that is so exciting! If you haven’t already, join us “Cappies” on this thread: BFA at Molloy College/CAP 21 - #1377 by starbuck71 :slight_smile: And let us know if you have any questions! There are lots of us BTDT parents on this thread :wink:

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Point park - that is really an odd way to address artistic admissions. Is there anything in the portal?

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Lurker mom here for a few years - Just wanted to tell you all that I’m thinking about you constantly. My D will start the process next year and I’m feeling your anxiety for you! I get so excited with each piece of good news! Good success!!!


We haven’t heard either, but we were regular decision, I am thinking that might be why.

Official no came by email for FSU today (not unexpected). Will start watching for Point Park…

@TheatreDivaMomma Are you speaking about Pace or another college?

Exactly! Carry on!

We are waiting on PACE as well, however I was answering the feed about The New School

My S got a call from BA Directing IPE today, looks like they are starting to go out


My daughter got the official no from FSU today too:)

Not a peep here either!