The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

(Molloy CAP 21) LOL! We had the same question about the “BFA Theater Arts”!


Rebecca’s subsequent email came a while later. Happy kid here.


Hi, so it sounds like some FSU MT emails came out today. But is anyone else still waiting? Haven’t received any emails from them here.

(FSU MT) Also waiting. Son academically and artistically accepted for BFA Acting several weeks ago. I keep thinking that has thrown notification for the MT program out of whack.

(FSU) My son was academically accepted a few weeks ago too, but he only applied MT. He’s searched through every email in his spam and promotions, so just more waiting I guess!

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We haven’t heard either.

My son is waitlisted too. Do you know how large the waitlist is?


We have 4 in a row here…I hope I last through this process :slight_smile:

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Hang in there. My daughter also had a no from FSU, but she is a sophomore in another program that she loves!

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Love this: “they will bloom where they are planted”. Two years down the road for our family, this is so true for us! And inspite of my child not getting into many of her selected schools!


Thanks so much! She has some good offers and we are still waiting, so it’s all good! So glad your DD is happy and thriving! That’s all we want!

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Soooo appreciate you checking in and giving us all support and the perspective that it will all work out! Thank you!

ShenCo emails coming out. At least some no’s.

Still waiting on Indiana University Bloomington? Starting to think no news is not good news at this point. Does anyone have news? Wishing everyone good news!

I haven’t heard of anyone hearing from IU yet.

Same here have not heard from FSU about MT, weird.

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Still waiting for Ball State…

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Us too

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DD still waiting on nine at this point (plus a couple of BAs) but I haven’t heard anything about Illinois Wesleyan or Wright State for a while. I did hear that some students have received yes and no responses in late February from both schools, but I haven’t really heard anything since then. Any insights? Hoping for good news for all!