The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

i think we need to rename this thread the class of 2025 MT waiting thread!

we are also waiting on 6 schools and a wait list from a 7th. a solid offer in the bag but far away from home so a bit concerning.

i can feel it getting close though!!! i feel like by monday, other than a few outliers, most schools will have spilled the beans FINALLY!!!

virtual margaritas anyone??


Waiting for Ball State too

Us three on waiting for Ball State!

I’ll change the topic away from waiting. LOL. We have an MT acceptance with a nice academic scholarship offer from Rider. Does anyone know if they also offer artistic money? That was not mentioned in the package.


Re: Wright State - a friend of my D heard no tonight.

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Waiting on ball state too. Has anyone reached out to them?

Are people still waiting on OCU? I recall hearing of one person who had heard a yes from them. We are waiting!

I know many have a yes from Ball state, emailed a couple weeks ago, they said they’re not done, admissions are rolling

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When did your dd audition? Mine ds audition was in November.

Looks like they might be going alphabetically!

Auditioned Ball State end of Jan, nothing yet.

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Her last name starts with S if that is helpful!


We are B last name and haven’t heard…

Waiting for Pace, BU and (hoping hoping hoping her top pick) NYU Tisch. April 1 just seems so far away and it’s hard for kids who didn’t apply to program that notify earlier! 1st world problems, I know!


Thanks for the info on Wright State! Do you know how they heard?

(FSU MT) Just got the “no” email. It’s all good though. Crossing it off the list and moving on.


My guess is the Rider offer is inclusive of merit and talent. Our D’s was also generous and this should be from their reduced 21/22 tuition rate of $50k vs $60k. I would imagine a full breakdown is coming in the mail to follow up on the initial acceptance letter in a week or two, but this is a guess only based on what seems typical from other schools.

We were excited to visit Rider, but that is only open to people in the 5 state area due to state mandate. We live outside of that…


Congrats all!

(FSU) Yes, onward! Right there with you.


That would be really quick considering they just announced yesterday afternoon. If Molloy gets them out in under 24 hours that’s incredible. We are still waiting on packets from schools my son was accepted to back in February and we did the FAFSA on opening day and have from many other schools already.