The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Coastal Carolina decisions coming out.


Heard from OU todayā€¦:-1:t2:

D is in a similar situation and has been asked to give her decision by March 31st at two schools. We were advised to ask for an extension if the school is still in contention. Be honest with the school and tell them you need to wait for all of your decisions and/or financial aid info to come in, or you want to visit, etc. This is an important decision and Iā€™m sure most programs will understand you have to do your due diligence before you accept. Unfortunately this year, the May 1st deadline is only ā€œoptionalā€ for schools, but I think most will understand if you need more time. (At least I hope so)!

same. sorry. :frowning:

Iā€™m with you! Also trying to plan spring break and not sure what it will look like, and it is only 2+ weeks away! And my Dā€™s school has rigorous quarantine/Covid testing requirements if you leave the state for more than 24 hours. So far, the 4 schools we will visit we can do within a day (two in-state, two out of state), but if she hears from any of the others, we will need to travel further and longer! And we are now still waiting on 12!!

Wow 12 is a lot! If it makes everyone feel better our spring break was THIS week, and we couldnā€™t really use it optimally. Having said that, DD got a break and this is her first real down time post auditions so Iā€™m thinking thatā€™s also important!!

I could see us going out to Colorado, where her best offer is, in a few weeks but we really wanted to have the whole picture (obviously waiting lists wonā€™t be resolved) as much as possible before deciding to go out there. We are in PA. Both parents are vaccinated, but still itā€™s a big trip.

WHEW!!! Hoping to hear from a bunch in the next few days. I believe March 15 we will hear from CCPA/Roosevelt and Emerson.

Hoping for all good things!

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Is Emerson the 15th? For some reason I had that it was 4/1. I really hope youā€™re right - that would be excellent!

the official line is before the 1st. but iā€™ve heard rumors of the 15th.

We are also waiting on 13 and I have resigned myself to chaos. Chaos and Chardonnay.


chaos and chardonnay sounds even better than tea and sympathy!

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We should do a zoom call with real cocktails! Saturday night, anyone?


My d was ea but I heard JMU rd admissions are out so anytime still waiting should check their portal.

Does anyone know number of students in a typical freshman class for University of Alabama - Birmingham or Florida Southern? I found a thread from last year with lots of schools on it, but these were not there. Iā€™ll link it for anyone else who is curious. MT Class Sizes

ooh me!!


@dharmawins & @Bogeyw - Iā€™m not @onette but hereā€™s a repost of a post I shared in November.

Reposting from [quote=ā€œspeezagmom, post:79, topic:2103231, full:trueā€]
For several years, the national association of college admissions counselors (NACAC) had a code of ethics that basically said - students have til May 1st to accept/decline, schools cannot offer incentives for accepting early, and schools cannot try to recruit individuals who have already made a deposit at another school. (And some other things) That all changed in late 2019. The NACAC was investigated for anti-trust charges that stated that these rules reduced competition between colleges which may make costs higher for students. As a result, NCAC has suspended these parts of their ethics code.

So - all that said- colleges can kind of do what they want now in terms of their ā€œsigning datesā€ and incentives to sign early. While many may still give til May 1st, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if more start doing something different.

I do think that asking for an extension usually works so give it a shot!


In 2019 we were told UABā€™s target class size was 16 and Florida Southern was 12 (but think they may have ended up with more). I donā€™t know if it has changed since that time and donā€™t know what actual enrollment is currently. Those were two of my daughterā€™s favorite schools!

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In September of last year, the NACAC published the Guide to Ethical Practice in College Admission. From my reading, the NACAC states that May 1 should still be the deadline. It also says that NACAC members should work with departments to make sure that nothing will interfere with the May 1 deadline.

Here is a link to the webpage where you can get a pdf copy of the Guide -

One of my students (F) got a yes from IWU yesterday. However, I heard they will be rolling them out over the next few weeks? Possibly? This is from someone who talked to one of their student recruiters.

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@onette thank you that was super enlightening.

@AZMTMom25 I see your son was accepted to Northern Colorado. my D is accepted there and considering it also! love to chat more about the school and whether it is a serious contender for your son! feel free to DM me!


Yes - I may have posted that. My daughter got a general ā€œcheck-inā€ message from her admission counselor about a week ago and she took the opportunity to ask her about MT decisions. She was told they would be out ā€œin the next couple of weeks.ā€ Sounds like that is the caseā€¦they are just moving slowly (my DD still has not heard)!