The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

No, I hadn’t seen that thread! So helpful. Thank you :blush:

If your child is not on the Elle Woods group page, I don’t think it’s fair of you to call it toxic. My son has been on there a few times, and he has found the info positive and comforting at times. Especially through the last few weeks. The moderators and current students are encouraging, sharing how they felt during this process and reminding them that very few get their first choice and it’s ok. They keep it positive and work hard to help each other. People may spin, but others work hard to help them find perspective. I think if you are the type of person to always find negativity or something to criticize or pick apart, it does not matter where you look, you will find it. The point of the group is to help each other, encourage one another and help them when they have their acceptance. They even did some Big/Little pairings if a member wanted it. They are truly trying to support one another as we all are on here. I have a child that was teased a lot in middle school and has worked hard to overcome, but he assures me that he has not seen a lot of negativity and when some kids have wondered about why they have not heard everyone rally’s and encourages.


Re: online forums, Elle woods, etc. I think it really depends on the individual. Even in forums full of positivity and support, it can still lead to a lot of anxiety when you hear about people getting into programs that you hoped to get into. I find this board so so helpful and supportive, but I also found I needed to step away for a week or 2 recently, because it was causing me stress to hear about phones ringing when ours was silent - we just needed to pause for a moment to process info in our own way and our own time. Obviously that didn’t last, because here I am, and I love the info, discussions and support here. Parents and kids alike need to decide for themselves whether exposure to the info and chatter of online forums/social media is helpful or overwhelming.


So here is another perspective from someone who, although is not a parent, deeply cares about all the kids I work with and is there consoling them and cheering them on just as much (and I have some of my parents on here who can vouch for this). Yes, every school does things differently, but it is like putting together a puzzle. Really. Some people do it a piece at a time. Some people organize all their pieces…maybe put all the edge pieces together, or sort by common pattern, shape or color. Each school has to do this in a way that fits their needs and processes.

The schools that these kids desperately want to get into have to function like a business. There is a limited budget. Limited spots. This has been said time and time again but it is only partially about talent. The rest is type. They know what their upcoming seasons are (or they are planning), their current students and their current needs. Some schools use a formula where they know about what percentage will accept and make offers expecting that % to decline. Last year, that didn’t work for many schools.

This year, acceptances have been all over the place. I know the earliest I heard of was a digital submission to LIU Post in Sept or early Oct. Several of my kids got acceptances in November. Some for schools I have never heard of doing early admissions. I don’t believe that schools are trying to hurt and antagonize students. I think that in the past, calls were rare…only from a few schools. This year, I have heard more calls going out — and in waves. I would imagine this is to be ,or personal and encourage students to accept. Last year, many schools didn’t make their classes. If that happens again this year, some may be forced to eliminate their programs.

Some schools start calling their first chosen “puzzle pieces” to get confirmation on acceptance before moving on to others. Some of these (who accept 6-12) in a program simply cannot afford to accept more than that. Kids do talk on social media. Yes, it is stressful, but from now until mid-April, you’re still in the process.

If you are on a waitlist, keep the conversation going! The student should demonstrate genuine interest without being too pushy. Every summer, I go over this with the kids I work with. And I keep telling them along the way. You are going to be where you are supposed to be. You will get rejected. Find a way before you audition to cope with that…a way to deal with stress. If you pass a prescreen, that means they saw something in you that they might be able to work with and be happy, even if not accepted. If you don’t, it could be that you need different material or more training. Or your list of schools was not balanced enough. This is the process. I auditioned in the same way in 1980 and it was cut throat then. Although nothing like the processes and requirements of today.

Love your kids, find some way to help them escape the stress, make them keep checking their portals and emails and spam and mailbox. Know that when they do land where they are going, the stress and pressure doesn’t subside. This industry is full of it. I always tell my kids that it is as important to develop their insides (mental wellness) as much as their acting, dance and MT skills. That is literally what stopped me in my tracks in college and one of the reasons I do what I do today.


And, in other news, S got an email from Temple this evening, WL for BFA MT! Audition was 2/20.


I can’t help wondering if anyone got a Pace call today? Are they done? Taking the weekend off? One wonders…

We didn’t get a call. She was one of the “you are either in or waitlisted” Acting kids. She is none the wiser about them even making calls, which is just as well. Neither she nor I had seen anything about the “See Our Truths” videos until yesterday when someone mentioned them here. That’s troubling me quite a bit.

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My D has been deeply immersed in See Our Truths. We are very uncomfortable but truly hope that this will bring about significant change - whether we go to Pace or not!


Congratulations! Sending positive vibes it moves quickly! :blue_heart:

There really does have to be a better way. My D was accepted into IWU weeks ago.

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My experience was the opposite of yours. Montclair and Ithaca were very timely and considerate with their decisions. Penn State, on the other hand, has already notified many students, but my S’s portal still shows no decision.

That is so interesting to hear. Sounds like it is really all over the map! What a process.

Good morning everyone!

This should be a big week in terms of notifications! I know we expect at least one, possibly two big ones tomorrow.

Wishing us all sanity, good luck, and faith that our kids will land where they can and will bloom.

Thinking of you all!


We have a few audition schools left to hear from, but she also applied to some academic reach, non-audition schools, some of which we won’t hear from until April 6.

Did anyone else do that? I feel like we aren’t going to have a clue what her decision will be until those decisions and all financial aid packages come out. It still feels like there’s such a long way to go!

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@dharmawins Which programs release tomorrow?

i believe Roosevelt told my D 3/15. at least that’s what she remembers. that’s the main one. i also think emerson is likely based on past years but i know i could totally wrong on that one!


Waiting here too on academic reach schools, all BA in theatre. If they come through it will be a hard decision since my D has an MT BFA acceptance at a good school. Maybe it will be slim pickings when it all shakes out, but the downside of applying to so many schools is that the decision could be harder.

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oh i can only hope we have that problem of too many choices!!! what i’m really hoping is that theee will
be an acceptance that makes my D say YES that’s it!! that’s the one!! fingers crossed


Has anyone here heard from Pace FTVC program yet?

No we have not heard from Pace re: that program. I saw in another forum that it is likely coming early this week.