The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Right there with you on a few levels. My D has anxiety and she know that the elle woods group would have made it worse. For parents going through this crazy process in the future, I’d recommend talking to them about how toxic those groups can be and encouraging your kiddo to not join them. Of course, hard to control what they do, right?

My D has tried to approach this process like she’s approached auditions for shows over the years: once the audition is done, she tells herself it’s a no and then stops thinking about it. Then, when a yes comes through, it’s like a nice surprise.

Virtual hugs to all parents who are going thru this right now. Now, back to the waiting :wink:


Strange: we never even got an email notification to check the BW portal! Just found the WL (Acting) notification there on one of the many portal checks earlier this week.

Mine also has no idea that Pace was making calls. So grateful she’s blissfully unaware!


As a parent of two kids who have gone through the MT process, one currently and the other six years ago, I can tell you that not much has changed over the years in terms of how MT programs notify. We STILL tell the story of how my older daughter was absolutely gushed over in the audition room, and told “We LOVE you”, only to have received a rejection letter weeks after she knew acceptances had gone out.

I don’t know of any school that has the “perfect” notification process. Some say making calls isn’t good because “word gets out” and causes anxiety. While those programs who don’t make calls feels “impersonal” to some. Then there are those schools that keep you hanging for weeks or even months as others have already learned their decisions.

I can tell you this though…this process is a little like childbirth :), after time has gone by, you will reminisce about the experience, but you will barely remember the pain. Hang in there, most everyone gets their happy ending.


Reading all of these posts and agreeing, there has to be a better way.

We are waiting on Illinois Wesleyan and Point Park. We know IWU notifications have started rolling, Wednesday I believe. No word here. Any idea if they are finished? Has anyone received a no or waitlist?

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We are waiting as well from IWU, nothing yet, not a NO or a Waitlist.

I much prefer when a college notifies all applicants at the same time (whether accepted, denied, or waitlisted)…on one day. An example is NYU.


All of this rings so true! A school we really loved and really expected to want to see a yes from really screwed it up for us and since then I’ve found most of the schools lack of awareness for this process and its applicants is pretty traumatizing. Belmont only sends through snail mail. They said 3-4 weeks. At 7 weeks my daughter sent an email and they responded saying “should know in a few days”. Then 8 weeks and still no letter but she noticed her major had been changed in her portal — to Journalism??? She didn’t put that anywhere on her application. So she sends another email to ask and gets a “should know in a few days”. 9+ weeks after sending in video and portal changed to nonsensical major, she gets the rejection letter and they tell her they changed her major for her. How much sense does this make??? And why would you change the portal before the student even gets the letter? Shameful - and not to be honest in the email not once but twice, after you know she’s discovered the major changes, is inexcusable to me.

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Seems to me if schools would at least rip the band aid off and notify nos before calling it might be better. While I know a match program sounds good like medical school, I know a lot of kids that have staredt visiting schools they applied to and realized they weren’t good fits. And if they visit ahead of applying it leads to disappointment. So not sure what the answer is!

But it’s their program their choice. I was glad my D didn’t apply to any schools that called. I also agree the large Facebook groups can really increase anxiety for kids that are inclined that way. My daughter was a member two years ago but exited once all of her auditions were done.

Hugs to everyone during this stressful time!

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Same. Waiting on PP (they release all at once the 17th) and IWU which feels like it’s been floating in the wind for weeks!


I’m a 2024 mom and my guess is this year the sucking sucks worse because the pandemic means many are at home with more time to dwell and worry. Last year after auditions we went straight to rehearsals, driving around etc so it was a great distraction. Even while performance were cut short I think everything seems much harder this year in so many ways. Sending everyone lots of love and hope for some relief soon.

I will also add it looks like most schools will be vaccinated soon, ours just announced a campus-mass vax in April so fall should be back to more in person (KNOCKING ON ALL THE WOOD). Let’s keep this beastly virus down (the spread contributes to new strains) and squash it.


Speaking of programs drawing this process out, is Guthrie done making calls? I’ve seen one post about a rejection. Anyone else? My DS has received no call and no rejection email. Three weeks of waiting for a call is torture. He can’t focus, isn’t sleeping. I’m guessing he’s not alone.

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Same. Would be nice to know something! PLEASE!

I have heard of yeses and that they would be rolling out over 3 weeks (Guthrie).

I prefer schools that allow all accepted students the ability to know what their curriculum will be before committing to fork over three hundred large. Example - all schools but NYU. Like I said earlier, nobody’s perfect.

I agree all at once via portal is the best and most humane notification. Calls trickle, emails can go to spam or be missed by students who ignore it or casually check. Snail mail, just no. Only for follow up, if you must.

I will up the ante and add that all schools should announce the decision date in advance. If big schools like NYU and Michigan can do it and art schools like BoCo can do it, then everyone should be able to get it together.

Also suggest that artistic and academic tracks combine, conform and communicate as one unit.

The holy grail would be all schools, all at once, academic and artistic info all together and all on the same day. Whoa!


We are also waiting on IWU! My daughter corresponded with her admission counselor on the 5th and she indicated that decisions would be made “in the next few weeks.” I have also heard of students who have received yes and no decisions; I don’t know that I have heard about any waitlists.

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The Ivies do this!


Yes, Miami will be in the portal - all at once on the same day (bless them.) Probably soon - next week? You’ll know when it happens. Are you watching the Artistic Decisions thread? Hope you’ll soon be throwing up the “U”!

Hi - There are no callbacks at UCLA and not everyone that applies for MT is invited to audition. Meaning, you can still get into MT even if you didn’t audition. Decisions will be announced on March 20, yes, no and waitlist, all together. If you are waitlisted you’ll be guided through next steps and it’s a long wait (until June or longer.) There’s very little movement on the waitlist because it’s a small MT program and an elite school. But there’s always a chance, until they say no!