The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

[Pace] We just got our “no”. Pace is officially unbookmarked!

11 schools, 3 offers, 6 MT nos (all with academic acceptances), one BA left (4/1). We sit down with pen and paper this weekend and we are DONE!:raised_hands:t5:

If you take nothing else away from my post today, take away this - it only takes 1! Sending positive energy for each of your talented humans over the next 3 weeks. This journey shows us just how truly amazing they are!:performing_arts:


Timeframe for Temple varies wildly from the posts on CC. My son found out about MT within days, others it’s taken several weeks. As another poster said, until you get a no, you are still in the running!

Okay thank you so much! I’m quite nervous about it but eager to hear!

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I feel like we are all on edge at this point!!! Hope you get good news soon!


Are people still waiting on Indiana University MT? I’ve seen that at least a couple people have received decisions. Does anyone know of them sending out wait list or no decisions? Or when we should hear by? Thank you!

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Is anyone else still waiting on their S or D’s Pace portal to still be updated? No phone call last week or portal update today for my D.

We have not heard anything from Indiana either.

Pace-when you log in to the portal, under the picture, there are tabs…there is a tab that says School of Performing Arts…that’s where we found our No
There was not other update in the portal or an email.

OK we still haven’t heard from Florida State. We’re assuming a No since we know they’ve notified Ys and WLs, but has anyone else still not heard anything?

Yes, re: Pace my D does not have the performing arts tab appearing when she logs on.

Re: Pace that is where we found our too- behind the performing arts tab. You may need to contact them if you don’t have a tab.

Re: Pace. My D is a No. Her decision letter was updated as well even though the date did not change. it now states undecided.

For those of you like us, who had not heard from Ball State and so assumed we were the last of the maybes or wait-listers: My daughter got a call today to let her know she is on their priority waitlist. Good juju to everyone still waiting on Pace. My daughter did not apply there, but I can FEEL your stress. Hang in there!


Pace BFA Acting- just found out YES on the portal. She was one of the kids that was told it was either a yes or a waitlist at the “callback”. We have heard nothing since, no phone call. She thinks she might have checked off not to call on her application, since a friend was still being hounded by AMDA calls well into her 1st year at LIU.

We are wondering if the issues of racism in the MT program that have been in the spotlight lately are the same in the Acting program. We’ll be doing plenty of research before decisions are made.


(TISCH) Advice please: this is my D’s great big hope. Can anyone suggest whether she should send an email to them saying that she’s super enthusiastic or something like that?

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My daughter applied to non theater major only but Fordham rd decisions are out if anyone is waiting.


Inhale… Exhale…


My D got Yes for CCPA/Roosevelt MT Dance! via email :laughing:


FANTASTIC NEWS!!! We haven’t checked yet!

I’m not a Tisch parent, but I’d say no, it’s not necessary. It’s all about the audition and, for NYU, academic profile. On the other hand, can’t hurt?

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