The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

PP came out for us about 12:30 EST My D was put on WL for Acting.

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We discovered UNCO at walk in auditions. Our coach spoke very highly of them so DD auditioned and they loved her. Which was a refreshing break from all the awfulness!!! LOL!!

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My son just got an acceptance to American in his portal, it was there around 3:30. He did not get an email, but checked anyway and it was there!


My son got accepted into Emerson’s MT program!


(Point Park) via email?

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(Point Park) Yes, email.

Re American: my daughter was accepted as well. Portal is so slow it is hard to navigate. She saw intended major as musical theater. Does anyone know Is the mt decision still pending or does that mean accepted for musical theater.


(Ball State) They did not tell her how many. It was a very short phone call, and I wasn’t with her to prompt her to ask for more information!

Me too. Congratulations!


Yes it was an email.

Re: American It’s crashed. We can’t get in. Going to wait until after dinner to try again. Go thing I don’t believe in conspiracies or I’d swear the little green men are trying to take me out. :joy:

(Emerson) Congrats to your son!!

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HI! My dd’s American portal keeps crashing. How did your D know he got artistic acceptance? I have heard from a few others that it is not clear if it is academic today or both. Thanks!

Getting the decision from American was a comedy. First, just getting the portal to come up. Refresh refresh refresh. Then, kind of like that one time the vaccine site came up for an appointment, it miraculously showed up. We entered our credentials, another wait. We got through the portal and we could see the “view decision” but it was not responding. Then, minutes (freaking minutes) later, the view decision came into play—and it took us to another screen that said “Download your decision.”

When it finally downloaded, the font was smaller than a microbe. Good thing she is young with good eyesight.

and it was a YES.

But we still don’t know if there was any money, or what major or anything else, because it crashed about two seconds after we saw the yes and that was that.


Oh Lord. Roller coaster ride anyone?

NAZARETH SAID YES!!! Yay!! So happy for my girl.


Yay for your girl!

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Point Park acceptances have started by email.

Hopeful that there is some good news for all this week!


Wooohoooooo!!! Congrats!:tada:

Son admitted to Theater Arts at Point Park, but not MT. He doesn’t recall applying/auditioning for Theater Arts and really doesn’t know anything about that program. The email was a bit (or a lot!) of a heart breaker because it said “Congratulations, this news is too good to wait!” so you get your hopes up but then it proceeded to say that he wasn’t accepted for BFA MT, but was accepted to BFA Theater Arts.

My dd just got into her American portal. I think it’s just academic acceptance.