The Class of 2025 -- Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Yes, this is the information I have heard. My daughter specifically knows someone in and someone waitlisted.

Amazing! Congratulations!

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Congratulations!!:tada: That is fantastic!

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(Texas State). I have heard that they have offered 15 people for 14 spots already. My daughter is friends with someone in the accepted group on fb. So they are waiting for responses from them before offering more. What I don’t understand is the difference between the wait list and the rest who haven’t been rejected yet.


(MSM) The website says April 1.

Yes, waiting on BoCo.

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Re: American My daughter also received an email today confirming her MT acceptance.

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Hello everyone :slight_smile: Wondering if anyone else hasn’t heard from JMU yet or if it’s it’s just us…? Portal still says “pending” for the decision next to Musical Theatre - BA…Thanks!

I am really surprised to see kids who have publicly committed to a school then keep on posting about other schools they’ve been admitted to - surely they should pull their applications so that other kids could get their spot?


Looking like my D may end up in chicago…bfa acceptances at CCPA and Columbia College…thoughts on choosing between these two?

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Thanks for this intel. I’m with you - I don’t understand the difference between WL kids and the rest who haven’t been rejected. I guess we shall see.

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Just frustrated at this point, honestly. Daughter got a BFA MT acceptance she was thrilled with, canceled an audition and withdrew application from several schools. Got a few rejections along the way, par for the course. Had all but committed, but now has a priority waitlist she is intrigued by and has gone silent. I would like for her to do the research she needs to do to decide if the waitlist school would bump the accepted school if they made an offer (financially it’s a great choice worthy of consideration. Award is on par with accepted school and this school does give out talent awards, which could make it even more attractive.), but she doesn’t want to talk about either school now at all. And we’re still waiting for one more school that is on par with her acceptance. I guess my job as a mom is to just shut up for now and let her deal with this in her own way.


I feel this deeply. I think its one of the impossible parts of parenting.


Yes that’s right. The yes and no come together but not entirely sure about the waitlist

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Regarding kids saying/posting commitment to one school and other offers. They’re talented, accomplished & wonderful, but they’re also teenagers (who are wired to overshare) and they’re under a lot of stress. I bet some are publicly sharing good news before they’ve formally accepted. Either way, it’s a huge decision, I’m telling my girl she should to take her time, all of it. Offers expire on May 1st, for the students and the schools. I feel the urgency on the offer, with housing etc. And I know the frustration on the waitlist end too. It’ll all work out. Best to everyone, our kids are almost done with all this. Soon the fun part begins! I miss her already!


awwwwww yes!

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yes they have their own processing to do. if we push too hard they really shut down. it’s a balancing act at all times!!!


Congrats an all the acceptances and WL! As we start researching, I’m sure I’ll have some Pittsburg related questions. Thanks for the offer to answer questions :slight_smile:

The first thing I thought was, “they’re kids.” Lol…

I’m actually referring to a kid who has committed to a school already - very vocally - and obviously didn’t pull applications to the other schools, which I just have to imagine impacts waitlists and available spots. I would hope that once one commits the appropriate thing to do is let the other schools know. And yes, they’re kids and we’re hoping they become adults who do the right thing!

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