The Class of 2026 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

They’re at Ithaca. Doing well!! Thank you!


GREAT PROGRAM/School , My D has friends there!! we are going to see one of your alumns ( Jeremy Jordan) in a show soon

I’m w


I felt so bad when I read your post- this is so hard. I really hope that she gets some yes’s back soon. I guess I don’t really know what the “Top 10” prescreen schools are- it seems like almost every school is now requiring this audition to audition. It’s crazy and what can you actually tell in 60 seconds!


Does anyone know which Acting BFA’s have callback weekends?
I know Julliard, Guthrie and DePaul, USC- are there any others?

Since you mentioned Depaul, I got an email saying they were going to be live this weekend with an information session about admission in their music and theater departments.

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My daughter attended one of these DePaul sessions a few weeks ago and found it informative/helpful.

We’re gonna zoom it Saturday:)

Hi MT families. Wondering if you all have any info on the following schools timelines for prescreen answers.
OKlahoma University
Indiana University(Bloomington)
University of Arizona
Texas State
and Wagner admission decision.
What a crazy time!!!

Heya @mom2eden! We have another thread for tracking prescreen results here:
2026 BFA Prescreen Results

Good luck to you and yours!

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Indiana has said they will start releasing prescreen decisions 11/20

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wagner’s academic decision came in last year in december

Thank you so much! I just saw this post - I don’t come here regularly because I find the forum/thread arrangement completely baffling and difficult to read (a website issue, not the posters here). But yes. This is a tough process! She has gotten some yes’s and has had her first live audition, which is where she shines. She felt good about it and it was good as a mother to see that!


We just finished our MT applications. Son applied to 12 schools and with all the app, transcript, ACT, css, artistic fees, etc (no travel yet) we spent $1411.

Even knowing what we were getting into it’s a little eye opening!


It’s actually hard to believe how horrible and unwieldy College Confidential is now- how in the world did these changes come about? Such a shame because it was such a useful resource in prior years. Good luck, everyone!


I know it used to be so popular.
I usually click the blue initial on top right and then reclick the posts I’ve been on previously. It’s tre only way to find this thread;)


Interesting audition experience this past weekend

My child auditioned for two top programs and came away with very different impressions:

One was a callback after a passed pre-screen: Small group of students, significant face time with students and professors. Dance and work session on vocal performance. Discussions focused on finding kids the right fit and integrating them into campus

The other was a cattle call audition of 75 students, my child waited 6 hours to get 5 mins of audition time. They were very nice, but discussion with parents and students focused on why their program is successful and strangely enough talked negatively about other aspects of the school.

Both programs have a great track record of producing successful performers and have students who love attending, but they gave off very different vibes. This reinforced my feeling that getting to live auditions on campus is valuable when trying to determine best fit. Just because a program is a top 10 or top 20 and viewed as prestigious it might not be the right fit for every student.


We discovered that this weekend as well. My child also went to a small workshop/audition scenario over the weekend (I’m wondering if they were at the same place?). While there we visited other great schools and programs and talked to other parents of kids in MT programs who indicated that Unifieds are nothing more than glorified ‘meat markets’ which sounds quite harsh, but it made us reevaluate. We’ve really enjoyed our on-campus experiences and as a result are rescheduling her Chicago Unified appointments for on-campus auditions instead. We haven’t officially taken Chicago off our schedule – but we’re definitely headed that way…


We just got our Indiana decision today. Look for them to come early. My D will audition Dec 4th!!!

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Think we were at the same place you guys were this past weekend.

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