The Class of 2027 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

I have nothing of substance to add other than to say “hang in there”! I was just texting with our daughter yesterday that went through this last year about “remember what we were doing last year right now?” and how truly exhausting physically and emotionally the process is for them (and us!) but, and it’s a big but, IT WILL ALL WORK OUT! Hang in there!

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My daughter was notified that she is waitlisted for a live audition for BOCO and will hear in mid Dec.

My daughter got BOCO a few days ago, didn’t apply to Michigan yet still working on that one and not applying to Roosevelt.

@Lee1123 I am sorry to hear that! Hoping for good news in December! Hang in there.

Same here! I’ll take it over a flat-out “no”. Hopefully the WL moves - good luck to your daughter!

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Same here in our household.

S23 submitted most of his MT prescreens in the few days before December 1 (a little later than most LOL!)…will probably hear back in the next few weeks, as most said mid-late December


18 prescreen results, 3 to go. Can finally move on to Phase 3! (Phase 1 apply, Phase 2, prescreen results, Phase 3 auditions, Phase 4 decisions) Anyone else?


Same here! Heard from 13 prescreens, 3 to go!

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anyone know when BoCo, ithaca, ccm, and/or carnegie release their prescreen decisions? do they come through email, the university portal, or through acceptd? thanks!

I know BoCo has submitted their first round of results in an email. Ithaca got back to us really fast through Acceptd and Carnegie came back after about 2 weeks through Acceptd. We didn’t apply to CCM! Hope that helps!

My son is awaiting music performance prescreen from Jacobs (Indiana)

CCM says they’ll release prescreen decisions mid-December (I heard a rumor it may be the 15th but no clue if that’s true). Next round of BOCO decisions should come out around that time too! And Carnegie is good about having a quick turnaround. Good luck!!

S23 just passed Carnegie Mellon! Super quick turnaround - only 12 days. First passes of many, hopefully!


Thank you!

How long did Ithaca take? Thanks!

Anyone gotten off the waitlist for a BoCo audition?

Nothing here. I haven’t heard about any movement yet, but hopefully we all hear either way soon!

Only a few days!

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Anyone heard prescreen results from Michigan-acting (not MT, just acting)?

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