The Class of 2027 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

Cool! What school?

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Who told you this? I am very skeptical of this post. For the past several years UMich makes calls in one night and sends the rejections via email the next day. Why would it be different this year? The same person is calling the same number of people. Please don’t post false and unverified information. This is a really sensitive thing for families and young adults.

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I don’t want to say for fear of my posts causing my son future embarrassment that his mother was doing this.

… but it’s anonymous here-- we don’t know who you or your son are…
I’m just curious. But it’s ok, no worries :relaxed:

Well, I’m just thinking that since he’ll be in a class with 20 or so students, it would be kind of simple to narrow down.

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Nos are in UMich portals, as expected.

I would think it goes without saying, but don’t post people’s Instagram links. Especially when they’re minors


My D did both Pittsburgh Unified Auditions (PUA) and Mid-Atlantic Regional College Auditions (MARCAS) in the fall. Both of these consortium-style auditions resulted in early acceptances. She discovered lesser-known programs and was able to test out her prescreen materials. I really recommend rising seniors look into both of these experiences.


I totally second PUA! Incredible experience and having a few early yes’s took off so much pressure

MARCAs also welcomes high school juniors as well. My kid even got a few artistic offers as a junior and, right before they returned as a senior, another said we remember you from last year and sent an artistic admittance before hand. Having those early acceptances definitely takes the pressure off of feeling the need to do walk-ins at the National Unified Auditions if pre-screens for more competitive schools don’t work out.

Carnegie MT decisions are out. It’s a no for us.

LMU decisions came out last night. DS was accepted. :slight_smile:


Congratulations! Sorry, but what school is LMU?

Loyola Marymount in L.A.


Does anyone know when Boco releases results ?


I just withdrew the last 3 auditions I had scheduled for this season. I tried to not do it, but, honestly, I’m feeling super burnt out from this entire process right now. I decided to pursue the whole audition process last year, and after 6 months straight of auditions and prescreens, I’m exhausted. I went through this entire process alone, besides very minimal advice from my high school director. I have 3 offers as of now, and I’m still waiting on 9 more. Ohio University, West Virginia, and Northern Illinois. I also have a verbal offer from Shenandoah. It’s truly hard to keep pushing with new auditions when I’m already secured in 3 truly great programs. I hope I’m not the only one feeling like this. I’ve been in constant shows as well for the past school year, and dealing with burn out is a nightmare in a full time show. I really hope a summer off will make me feel better before the fall, and I’m praying this is only burn out and not a sign of something else.


Don’t worry, everyone is feeling the burnout. My son’s last audition was a few weeks ago and only half of the kids scheduled to audition showed up. He cancelled 2 auditions this month even though he didn’t audition for many schools. He knew that even though they were good schools, they just weren’t for him.

You have worked so hard and have some really good offers! Congratulations! You should be so proud right now. You can only go to one school and have 4 to choose from (so far)! Your hard work has paid off!


Molloy decisions are out! It was a yes for me!


Thank you for the kind words. I’m glad to hear it isn’t just me dealing with all of this. :slight_smile:

Hey, everyone! I’ve been lurking a bit, and my kid just got accepted into George Mason’s program for the fall of 2023. I’m a bit surprised to see that there isn’t a whole lot about the school. I was wondering if anyone had any details about it? Thanks!