The Class of 2027 – Sharing, Venting, Discussing! MT

We haven’t heard from CCM on MT either.

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I know people recieved no’s for Ithacas MT program, but I did not receive a yes today from the portal, any sign what this might be?

Did people receive yeses today from Ithaca? This is ridiculous—I hear my son in his room singing and here I am glued to this message board. I’m embarrassed for myself. :joy:


its all good! Today multiple people received a yes, some no’s were sent out on February 17th. Still trying to figure this out!

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My son said two people from his school got yeses to Ithaca today - one for MT, the other theater management.


Congrats on the Rider yes! My kiddo has an MT yes also.


Yes it was a very short generic email from accept’d. It didn’t specify which program, but I assume both. Portal still says under review, but they said she would be getting official rejection letter in the coming weeks.

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Yup. My daughter got her terse reject email this afternoon. Stinks! Thank you!

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I haven’t heard anything. I auditioned for them at Chicago unifieds

Saw a post on FB that Emerson usually posts decisions toward the end of March.


I have some advice for anyone doing this next year in 2023-2024:

  1. Research schools. Study their faculty’s experience in musical theatre and acting. Compare that experience between the schools you’re interested in.
  2. Does the school have decent academics outside of the conservatory? Is this important to you?
  3. Find a local coach (not the online coaches) to help prepare your monologues and songs. My son had one and passed all of his prescreens.
  4. Audition for local theatre roles outside of your school when you have time.
  5. After you’ve finished your prescreen videos, begin to work on mock auditions. You need someone to hit you with questions you’re not expecting and to practice giving answers. This, my son refused to do, and I think it might have hurt him in his live auditions. He didn’t want to seem rehearsed, but from what he told me I think he wasn’t prepared with “good” answers to questions.
  6. Before you go into a live audition, make sure you are familiar with the faculty so that you recognize them when you go into the room. I think they want to see that respect. For example, my son came out of his University of Michigan audition and I asked him who his auditors were and he said, “that dude” meaning Vincent Cardinal.
  7. Write thank you notes after your auditions even if it’s just an email. They respected you by granting you an audition so show that respect back to them.
  8. Space out your auditions. Don’t do all of them in one location because you might get sick or something else may come up.
  9. Maybe this is stalking, but it’s also research: look up the musical theatre class at schools you’re interested in and find their instagram accounts (they all have them) and see if you think you’d fit in with the vibe they put out. I’ve noticed each school has a distinct vibe. It might be a great school, but is it the right personality fit for you? You are probably not going to pick up on this on your college visit because they have an admin person come out and speak to you and you usually don’t even meet or see the students. Or at least we didn’t. We did visits in early August so maybe that’s not the best time.
  10. Thank God, my son got accepted to a school that we weren’t even aware of last summer, but the more I look at it and compare it seems like the perfect fit for him. I spent a lot of time and money with schools that I now realize aren’t the place for him. I think you have to look at the current students and ask yourself if their talent and personality somewhat match with yours.

Rumor is out that Michigan is making calls now…


Great advice above. I would add to start early and get applications in before the required deadlines. Some schools host early auditions and will give you an early decision if they want you. Other schools run out of live Unified audition slots if you wait until the deadline.

Consider BA programs as well as BFA programs especially if the college academic experience is important to you. Also, several BFA programs offer conservatory style training at larger colleges and Universities where you have the benefit of campus life, other students with more diverse interests. Others don’t and you may be stuck with a very small student cohort for 4 years.

I hate to say this, but male identifying students have better odds of getting accepted vs. females as fewer males apply in general. At some MT programs the male/female ratio is quite skewed and can vary widely from year to year. Not sure how this plays out in the training but suspect it’s a negative for the females in terms of performance opportunities. Something to consider.

At some schools the auditions will feel perfunctory and impersonal and may be no longer than 5 minutes. Others will spend more time, ask a student to change something about their performance and/or asks questions. I have no idea whether any of this is predictive of acceptances.

Once accepted to a program (if not sure about attending) ask for a virtual voice lesson before decision day. Some schools offer this but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

For virtual auditions get a nice set up at home with professional looking background and practice with your technology. Many schools will ask students to dial in early. Be sure you do this and be ready to perform ahead of scheduled time.

Students need to have a strong work ethic, be organized, resilient, and thick skinned in order to make it through the process. Staying physically healthy is key.


Really great point about the virtual audition set up.


can anyone confirm whether or not umich is making more calls tomorrow

I’m guessing the Umich calls were all made last night but who knows. I just hope the “no’s” in the portal don’t come out during the school day today :frowning:


Who wanted to spend four years flying in and out of Detroit anyway? :stuck_out_tongue: I’m excited because the school where I think my son will be going (depending on possible acceptances from other schools still waiting on) has a professor who is a UMich graduate so he’ll be able to receive that training through her.

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My D auditioned for at program at Unifieds who sent her a rejection while we were still at Unifieds. You cannot protect them through this process, it’s brutal.


Don’t lose hope y’all, more umich calls will be made. was just told they definitely don’t call 24 people in one day, especially since it’s only one person making the calls. BOL


happy/sad emoji :performing_arts: def applies this post!

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