The extracurriculars slots are REALLY confusing

<p>I don't understand where to put the organization, my position, what I do. For example, can someone help me with two examples? </p>

<p>I am president of SADD for two years, officer for two years. What info do I put in each box?</p>

<p>I am a researcher and page for a library and archives. Do I put this as career-oriented or volunteer? What do I put in each slot? Do I put Researcher and Page under position held or volunteer? For more details, do I list the organization title?</p>

<p>I think the lack of space for business/organization/group is odd.</p>

<p>This is for the common app. Right?</p>

<p>I also thought it very confusing. I e-mailed the common-app people, and they said just to put the name of the club/org in the “details and accomplishments” section. Then just put that you were an officer in the position slot. </p>

<p>You can put “volunteer researcher and page” in the position spot.</p>

<p>Then, I would attach a resume to detail your extracurricular activities since they are unique and may need clarification</p>

<p>Print it out and see if you like how it presents your positions. It shows up a little weird on paper. The actual title matters less I think as long as the info is there!</p>

<p>Thanks! I don’t want to attach a resume because that seems a bit… I don’t know, pretentious? But I really appreciate both of your help. I’m going to elaborate on my volunteer work in my essays, so I think that’s pretty self-explanatory.</p>

<p>I’ll put my “title” as an officer under position. I guess “President 11,12; Officer 9,10”?</p>

<p>same, you know. I’m really confused whether to put a resume or not. This guy who is in Jerome Fisher at UPenn told our whole class it is essential to put a resume. But I don’t have anything extra to put in my resume… i dont wan to bug the adcoms. Although i’ll be adding some additional info…</p>