The Final Princeton Lounge

<p>Yes, here 'tis. In true Princeton spirit, we'll make a CC party out of the final days before decisions come in...</p>

<p><em>e-champagne all around</em></p>

<p>The decisions have been made. (Dun dun dun)</p>

<p>Arch sing, anyone? ;)
(Yes, I'm losing it.)</p>

<p><em>Sets up chips and dip</em></p>

<p>I'm ready. :-)</p>

<p>Count me in! :)</p>

<p>we better have a rockin party! soon</p>

<p>Princeton will remain my last beacon of hope once HYB are out of the running tonight :p (yeah it's... 1.35am)</p>

<p>Wow. Good luck! Does anyone know if Pton letters were mailed out today? I heard that Harvard already sent some RD letters, so some internationals received their letters today. (I guess they don't count in the Ivy common notification agreement?)</p>

<p>I was surprised - I got my Columbia rejection today, which was postmarked yesterday.... which was March 30th.... which does not abide by the Ivy agreement.... </p>


<p>Ahh I just want to get my rejection letter so I can stop thinking about Princeton. Forget porn - I have PRINCETON! ;)</p>

<p><em>raises e-champagne glass and passes around cocoa puff box</em></p>

<p>yeah, pton turns me on too</p>

<p>oh, believe me. i lost it like last weekend. so, i am completely out of it now (especially waiting on so many 5:00 pm's right now...) grrr. 29 minutes for those. a couple days for pton. funny how the last school i will hear from is the ultimate one I would choose over any other. hmmm.</p>

<p>i seem to have missed it whenever someone posted the information-- besides mailing, is princeton just e-mailing their decisions to us in 25 minutes like some of the other ivies, or what?</p>

<p>waaaaiiiit, i forgot, can we check decisions online at 5?</p>

<p>Princeton mails letters, no decisions via the Internet.... 7 more minutes!</p>

<p>congratulations to tim on yale, marcus/zante on brown, and kebree on harvard....they're all nice schools...but i mean....</p>


<p><em>passes the e-champagne all around</em></p>

<p>jeez, it's 4 am here in india and what am i doing? <em>sigh</em> ;)</p>

<p>Congrats guys.</p>

<p>Rejected at both Penn and Yale here...</p>

<p><em>Sigh</em> Oh well... I didn't put as much as I probably should have into those apps. Oh well...</p>

<p>So, I did get MIT a while ago. For me too, Princeton is now the last beacon... And if I get Princeton, that is what it will be. But I suppose I can live with MIT. Still happy bout that one... :-/</p>

<p>i got into Harvard and Columbia!!
OMG I almost fell off my chair...and everyone in the hospital internet cafe gave me weird looks.... (mom got surgery and when i told her about Harvard she immediately woke up!) funny.</p>

<p>NOW, IF i get into Princeton, then I really wouldn't know what to pick. I mean, I LOVE PRINCETON, but my parents are really psyched about Harvard (my whole dad's family lives there....finaid...BOSTON major....etc)....

<p>Yay!!! I got into Penn! I didnt get into EECS at Berkeley, but then again, the acceptance rate for out-of-state students is like 4% or something.</p>

<p>Woot! Congrats to everyone who got into colleges today!!!</p>

<p>I got into</p>



