<p>I hope Pton isnt DHL ing decisions to accepted intl applicants - that way i can start worrying after about 15 days of maildate</p>
<p>they fedex them... ARGGGHHH!!
<p>there is no fedex sticker on my door.</p>
<p>but I don't mind :)</p>
<p>It would be great if Princeton accepted me but I'll be fine if they don't. No dramatics like today (I hope) :)</p>
<p>wow. ur full of smiles this evening sucharita!</p>
<p>yeah...I am not feeling unhappy any more :)</p>
<p>thats good...im still a little bit in the dumps but hopefully this :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) will cheer me up...</p>
<p>thats nice :)</p>
<p>okay not to break up this very nice and happy exchange but do we know if Princeton is fed ex-ing both rejection and acceptance alike or just acceptance?</p>
<p>Probably just acceptances for international students.</p>
<p>My mail comes in less than an hour...Wow, I'm a nervous little girl...</p>
<p>Sorry to hear of the rejections, you guys - I'm with Phil that it's a sign you were meant for Princeton!! It's kind of pathetic that right now I'm eating the left-overs from last night's "celebratory dinner" yet still thinking of another school... ah, well.</p>
<p>And Cookiemom, I'm going to show up next year at the regattas vs. Princeton, wherever I end up, and hold you to your word! Yum, yum, yum...</p>
<p>what other school could you be thinking of?</p>
<p>come on Princeton</p>
<p>dudes remember like my harvard rejection letter says it dont matter where u go to colege what matters is what u do when u go there. whatever college u go to, work hard and enjoy it! make it YOUR princeton!</p>
<p>hmmm I actually preferred the Stanford rejection email. It was short and to the point. :)</p>
<p>yes.... hah</p>
<p>And I have known the eyes already, known them all<br>
The eyes that fix you in a formulated phrase,<br>
And when I am formulated, sprawling on a pin,<br>
When I am pinned and wriggling on the wall,
Then how should I begin
To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways?<br>
And how should I presume?</p>
<p>it would seem this lounge has lost meaning, as it lacks the competition of the old senior and nonsenior lounges... w/e congrats to those who got in, and sorry to those who didn't... wow when you generalize comments it seems horrible ;)</p>
<p>no more competition please...not after all the rejections :p</p>
<p>sucharita .. think about it this wa</p>
<p>we face NO competition in the quality of those rejections</p>
<p>what about iit? lol... sorry sucharita...</p>