<p>The fact that you took the time to actually study a forum post is sad in itself.
I know they say females mature faster but boy do you prove that “unintentionally” I’m sure. If you have nothing better to do than “make fun of someone” on the internet your life sure has little meaning doesnt it? oh wait I forgot the face</p>
<p>“Just to end this argument, let me explain… At that point (and still currently), the dissenting opinions of drugs that had been stated were not based on true facts. Since decisions were made based on these unfounded opinions, those decisions were, by definition, ignorant.”</p>
<p>Why does anyone’s opinion have to be deemed ignorant? Just because it doesn’t cookie cutter match your own view? Clearly, nobody knows the complete facts or the else issue wouldn’t be controversal would it? Just because you are set in your own ways and think you know the facts doesn’t make you anymore correct than any other poster in this discussion. Also, just because you choose to nitpick and attack someone in such a demeaning way, someone you don’t even KNOW for that matter, I feel that makes you pretty sad and in all honesty, I feel very very sorry for you.</p>
<p>Why don’t you just realize gotakun, that not everyone in life is going to agree with you. Just because they don’t doesn’t make them in any way less of a person than yourself and doesn’t make them ignorant. There are many ways to view a controversial issue and many reasons not to, or to do drugs. At the end of the day what really matters exactly? What you do with your own life is what matters.</p>
<p>It doesn’t take a genius to know that even a statement can have rhetoric. </p>
<p>You really don’t need to tell me how to write. 1) It’s a forum and 2) I have many great works of writing and my ideas come across just fine but you don’t know me so I wouldn’t expect you to know that. </p>
<p>Why would I want to go back and copy exactly? Embarrass myself? I think my paraphrase actually made that original speaker look a little less ignorant </p>
<p>lol. Seriously. If you don’t understand my posts and choose to attack me as I result of it all I have to say is I can see from yours is you are just a very hard headed person who can’t accept that people actually have a mind of their own and can think for themselves. Oh well, your loss. </p>
<p>If you have anything else to say, demeaning or not gotakun. How about you send me a message. Clogging up this thread clearly isn’t doing anyone any good, and we’re the guilty party ;)</p>
<p>Have a great holiday.</p>