The George Washington University 2022 ED I and II

I just got the same email!!! I feel so anxious and scared now. Good luck to everyone!!!

The email is out!!! im so nervous and scared but good luck to everyone!! hopefully we can all be classmates next year :slight_smile:

Did anyone just get an email from GW saying “We anticipate releasing decisions late next week and will email applicants with complete files”?? I lowkey had a freakout, I thought they released around the 20th

Omg same!!! I was ready to pass out ! Buena Suerte to everyone! Go Colonials!

ahh I got the email and my heart legitimately skipped a beat! good luck to you guys, crossing my fingers that we all get in!!!

my heart started racing when i saw that email hahaha. wishing everyone good luck!! hopefully we can all call ourselves colonials soon!! :slight_smile:

That email actually killed me… I was scrolling through my inbox in one of my classes, saw the preview, assumed it was the admissisons decision and almost had a heart attack

Hey guys! I applied ED 1 with a major in Middle Eastern Studies. Hopefully we’ll be hearing back in around a week!!!

One more week ahhhh I’m so nervous already it’s crazy!! Today some seniors at my school got offers from schools, hoping this will be us next week!

I applied ED1 as a political science major! But same I’m so nervous, I’m checking my portal almost obsessively it’s crazy…

does anyone know when exactly the decision is coming out? the email only said “late next week” and now im dying, i just wanna know haha

@jsquared91 I messaged you! They tweeted :slight_smile:

I’m thinking Thursday or Friday but who really knows tbh… they’re so ambiguous

@names47 Did you see their tweet? They said it was coming out shortly and to check the portal regularly, like what does that even mean

@bulldog123 Yes!! It’s making me so anxious, who even knows what shortly means

@bulldog123 @names47 Do you guys think they’ll release them tonight? Im so nervous!!!

I’m with @names47 I think it’s Thursday or Friday… but leaning towards the latter!

Plus, we’ll get an email, right?

I’d think so? Spring 2018 transfer students didn’t. The shortly excited me, but them saying to check regularly makes me think they mean to check on a daily basis so :confused:

where did you see it on twitter? I can’t find it, I must not be following the right account.