The George Washington University 2022 ED I and II

Hi! I applied ED 1 with Poli Sci and International Affairs. Good luck to you guys!!

Yay! Good luck to everyone :slight_smile: Do ya’ll know when we get decisions back?

@michalowski33 Good luck!!
@amyliu29 Ahhh, December 18th!!

Yes! I’m hoping for an invitation to the Women’s leadership one too! So nervous! Counting down the days until December 18th haha :wink: @HalfwayThereUni1

Aaah it’s in 4 weeks or so! I hope everyone on this thread gets in :smiley: so nervous!

Ahh, same @cb12345!! 33 days left!! :open_mouth:

Same to you, @amyliu29!! LOL, anyone else checking the portal daily? :smiley:
And is everyone’s portal good now? Mine had been saying my application and things weren’t turned in, but they were fixed a couple of days after I turned it in!


Sameeee, what major did you apply as? I’m lowkey already done with high school, Dec 18th can’t come fast enough smh

@amyliu29 I applied as a Political Communication major! You?
Lol, so true tho. I’m like let’s fast forward the end of 2017

I also applied ED 1 for political communications with an alternate in poli sci. My gpa isn’t really as high as I’d like it to be due to some stuff during early high school that’s covered in my personal statement and guidance counselor’s letter of rec so I hope it isn’t too much of a detriment… aside from that my test scores are solid and so are my extracurriculars/leadership as well as internship experience so I’m hoping I have a decent shot at getting it.
Anyway does anyone know the date or ballpark date of ED1 admissions decisions? All I could find is “by late December” and not having an actual time frame is driving me a little crazy…

@maemcgrath9 LOL I think its Decemeber 18th! It’s okay, you got this!!! Only one more month to go :slight_smile:

I applied for political science as my first choice and international politics as my second choice. Fingers crossed aaah only three weeks till we find out!!

Applied ED way back in August! The GW portal says Error 404 which means theyre probably loading in the admissions decisions. Good luck to everyone!! Tons of love

August?! That’s so earlyyyy!! You mustn’t really be on top of things #goals! And lol, my portal still looks the same but YASSS only 2 weeks!!! Fingers crossed for everyone!!

how do you know its December 18th?? Did you read that somewhere??

I applied ED to the Elliot School and I am as well almost positive that we will hear back on the 15th. I have very regular correspondance with my rep and my officials at my school say that the 15th is the most probable date, due to the fact that it is on a Friday.

Good Luck to everybody!!!

Good luck to everyone. I applied on Halloween ED I. Looking to do political science. 3.7 unweighted average. A lot of campaign experience and connections with local political groups! Very active in my school as well! Ughhhh can’t wait!!!

Yep! 15th after 5pm when the office closes so that their admissions office wont get any calls over the weekend, lol

@oliviavec Haven’t they released the decisions these past few years on a Monday though??

I just got an email saying from GW admissions that they will be posted next week!!!