The George Washington University 2022 ED I and II

@pheath its @gwadmissions

Hello to my potential peers!

I was wondering if anyone emailed their designated admissions counselor asking for an interview. Did they respond? I’m from NYC and Slavko didn’t answer me.

In a previous email however, he ended his email with “please stay in touch.” I was wondering if other people received an email with that type of ending or if I was just special.

Thanks! Good luck to everyone!

I just checked the regular GW twitter and the admissions twitter and I didn’t see any tweets. Can someone who saw it share the link?

@kanyewestwing you have to look under “tweets and replies”

Oh my gosh I just checked and now I’m freaking out too!! “Shortly” is such a vague term, it can totally mean Thursday or Friday tbh. I was expecting Friday, since that’s when a ton of other schools are releasing decisions.

For those not on Twitter, the tweet says “ED1 decisions are to be released shortly-- make sure to be check your student portal on a regular basis. If you have any questions, please reach other to our office and we’ll be happy to assist.”

As soon as I saw the “shortly,” I immediately logged on here to see what y’all thought haha. This is so nerve-racking ahh!!!

The extended office hours for admissions (which is currently 8pm) ends tomorrow Dec. 12, so who knows, maybe on the 13th? That’s when Princeton and UPenn announce. I agree this is draining. My best friend got notified for BU today. This week is longer than the previous 5 weeks combined!

@ran6325 tomorrow would also make sense, that way they’re still there after released decisions to help anyone who can’t access their decision/anyone who doesn’t have one but should have one, etc, hmm

I just got the notification that GW Admissions tweeted again… They said: "Keep up to date with our latest info on decision releases and application deadlines by visiting "

I really think and hope we’re a lot closer to decision day than I originally thought. Good luck to everyone, and remember, no matter what happens things will work out!!

hey! does anyone know how many ED applicants GWU got this year?

I got a 36 and have a 4.0… hopefully I get in!


gwadmissions tweeted, “We are still processing applications as we have many talented EDI applicants this year! It’s recommended that applicants check their student portals frequently for important announcements.”

Same! My two close friends got in to BU today too!! Hopefully that’ll be us in a few days!! @ran6325

I think we find out this week! Maybe Friday or tommorow aah

Seems the GWAdmissions Tweets have turned less light social media teasers and more administrative, look at the website, etc. Maybe all the hinting got out of hand and the “policy” took over.

Good luck to all! hopefully we can all be Colonials next fall!

Good luck!! Even if I don’t get in or I can’t afford it, I’m just gonna trust this process haha

Are results coming out today???

Are results coming out today???