The George Washington University 2022 ED I and II

Hey! I didn’t see anyone start and GWU ED thread yet, and so I thought I would!

Is anyone here applying ED I or II?

I’m applying ED I! I hope I get in…

I’m applying ED I!!! Super excited really hoping I get in!

Hey @18songr and @mt1234!! Sorry this is so late!! But same!! I’m going ED 1 for Political Communication!! (Fingers crossed and hands praying that I get in too, and with affordable aid!!!)

Are you guys submitting alternate majors? I am (Only after I read that if you’re not submitted to your first, then they’ll deny you from GW and don’t want that. :D) for Journalism and Mass Communication, although I loveee the Political Communication program a lot more!!!

I’m also taking a risk and going test-optional!! (So you know I’m definitely praying for admission!!)

How about you guys?!?! And anyone else!!

@HalfwayThereUni1 yeah im doing ED1 for International Affairs. I submitted the alternate as Poli Sci because im planning on double majoring in those anyways. My test scores are actually pretty good so I think im going to submit!

I’m applying as an IA major with an alternate major in political science. I thought about double majoring in those two, but figured some classes are going to overlap since they’re both essentially political science. I am going to apply test-optional because I think I have a much better chance of getting in that way.

I’m applying ED 1 to GW for political communication also!! :slight_smile: @HalfwayThereUni1

@mt1234 Congratulations on your test scores! That’s absolutely awesome! I think submitting good test scores can you give you a sense of security, you know?! (Lol, praying that all my supplementals make up for it, though!)
And lol, @mt1234 and @18songr that’s so funny because I was actually planning to double major in Journalism & Mass Communication and Political Science for the longest time until I fell in love with the Political Communication program!! :smiley:

Hey! @cb12345 we’re in this together! :smiley: (Well, we’re all in this together, but I mean major wise specifically! ;D)

Have any of you guys reached out to your regional admissions counselors? I reached out to mine three times and got no emails back, but when I emailed the general admissions office, I got a response… #weird :smiley:

I’m soooo scared. I’m currently in the process of applying to their columbian college of arts and sciences. I have a 4.4 weighted gpa and am applying test optional . So nervous

@HalfwayThereUni1 i remember when my D applied that the regional admissions counselor told her that she could not meet her for coffee, as I guess that would be perceived as an interview?? . the only time she got to speak with her was at a general local event. It all worked out. Remember that the regional counselors are traveling constantly this time of year going to high schools and events.

@sdl0625 Most certainly-- thank you! I got through to them with the general admissions office email!

Good luck @prospect_15! I hope you get in!!

I’m applying ED1 for CAS to major in Biology with my back up being School of IA! @prospect_15 I’m also applying score optional with a 4.4. Hopefully I will see you all next fall!

Wishing you the best of luck!! @HalfwayThereUni1 So I reached out to my regional representative and got no reply the first and second time. The third time, I got a response, but it took a while for her to follow up with me. I asked her if she could meet up with me sometime in my home state, but she said that she wouldn’t be able to due to time restrictions :confused:

Thanks @cb12345! I’m sorry she couldn’t meet with you! :frowning: But I understand that they’re busy…

AGHHHH, the deadline’s in two weeks!! Anyone else freaking out?! covers face with hands and hides :smiley:

Yeah, I know they’re super busy around this time of year, so I understand. I know right!! So nervous! @HalfwayThereUni1

:open_mouth: I know!!! I’m legit probably going to turn in my app. ON November 1st, or October 31st… #procastionnation :smiley: Are you applying for/hoping for an invitation to any of their special programs @cb12345 (and everyone!) I’m going for Women’s Leadership in International Politics. I had been thinking about just hoping for an invitation to Politics and Values, but then Women’s Leadership won me over lol

I’m applying ED1!! I just submitted my app like 30 minutes ago so fingers crossed!!!

Ahhh, good luck!!! @amyliu29

LOL, when you submit your app the hour it’s due. #procastinationnation