The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

Yeah, I’d be happy for them both to leave. I like Kathy being direct, though she doesn’t need to share every thought in her head. I felt like it was April who stuck her nose in the middle of things and stirred the pot by talking to Theresa. Something about Theresa bothers me.

I was so sad to see Edith and her beautiful hair leave. I liked Joan and at this point am pulling for Eileen. Leslie continued to bug me. Nancy seems nice.


I am sorry Joan had to go home. They were very good together.


@OhiBro & @Hoggirl - I’m gonna be catty about Kathy…I keep thinking I’m watching Caitlin Jenner. They have very similar features and mannerisms. Really.


And her paired with Susan, who is a Kris Jenner lookalike. Funny.


I am surprised they were allowed their phones, but maybe producers have them and family members who need to contact the woman talk to the producers first? Also I smell production interference in the whole Kathy/Teresa thing. I am sure producers egged Teresa on, suggesting to her that she “needs” to talk to the other girls about her connection, and egged Kathy on, saying “is what Teresa is saying bothering you”

I am also not a fan of Leslie’s “pick me” vibe. I liked the woman who left to help her daughter.


YES! :dart:

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That was my impression on the first night! (and it’s not just the haircut)


Yes! I wasn’t going to say it, but glad you did. I watched the first episode with family, and one of them immediately made the same Kathy-Caitlin comparison.

I haven’t watched this week’s episode, but sad to hear Edith is out. She is sizzling, which confirms to me that Gerry isn’t just picking the best-looking women like so many of the young Bachelors.

I really wanted to learn more about Edith and Marina. Interesting to me, I just saw on Edith’s IG that she only has one picture posted with another person in the cast—Marina. She has other pictures of the entire group, but I wonder if she and Marina had similar personalities and bonded in the short time they were there. I also wonder if their respective cultural differences with Gerry’s background were a big factor in the lack of a connection with Gerry.

I was thinking that maybe Joan will come back (the woman who left to help her D who just had a c-section) - there was a real spark there. Maybe he’ll ask to go see her. THAT would make for great TV!


So, I initially liked Theresa after her individual date with Gerry last week. But now I’m not sure. Definitely felt like Kathy was playing the “mean girl” role, it was quite obvious. Not a fan of the pot stirring but I guess the producers like the drama. I was sad that Joan left, as I felt like she and Gerry were good together. Not a fan of Leslie. She is trying way too hard. Really not sure who I like him with now that Joan is gone. Maybe Ellen?

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I was sorry to see Joan go, but greatly admire her for doing the right thing. I mean, who couldn’t go to their daughter in need? One thing I did think of though. I think she was the youngest and there is a 12 year age difference which is pretty big.

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This season is pretty boring for me. Last night I found myself analyzing who had a face lift and who had botox (including Kaitlyn). In a few shots, it looked like Theresa was wearing a wig.

It is what producers are showing us. They have lots of footage of interviews with the women that they do not show. I think that is why I like BIP. We get to see a different side of the contestants compared to how they were portrayed on the Bachelor/ette. For example, this season I’m surprised by Brayden and Jess’ personalities.


I called her Eileen above. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I saw an interview with Gerry and he gave us a characterization of the kind of woman he seemed to prefer, but I hesitate to post this as some might think it’s a bit of a spoiler. Though it could be a head fake. If someone wants to know what he said they can PM me. lol

How do you all keep up with the names?

I do know the names of the people who stand out.

Kathy: I know a lot of people who are like her and maybe, because I am of a similar disposition, I continue to not be a fan. I don’t like mean people. She could have just kept her mouth “shut” but that’s not in her.

With Faith, the one who sings, I think my perception of her is based on my occupation. I’m a retired Speech Path. When I hear a hoarse voice, I wonder why? Is it too much talking/singing? Was/is she a smoker? (strain/Vocal abuse) Is there a pathological indicator on her vocal cords?

I know! I know! Occupational hazard. I can’t listen to her voice without being concerned. So, if she talks too much or is too loud, and manipulates conversations, she’ll never let Gerry speak. He appears to be too kind to cut her off.

I love Susan’s haircut. I love her big Italiana personality. I love that she’s a complete mom to the whole group.

I don’t know the others by name, but I did like Joan, who left to take care of her daughter. She’s a keeper and put her daughter’s needs above her own. Yes, a little self sacrifice is what all mom’s do when it comes to their families. I would be on the first flight out (even on Southwest air!).

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I was searching for indications of a second Golden Bachelor season. Have you seen enough of this season to have an opinion? I noticed the casting site is still taking applications. But maybe they continue doing that, whether they plan another season or not?

Their Facebook page is very active, and they have posts of “20 questions with [contestant]” that ask for advice for future GB contestants.

They also posted a question today, “Would you want to see a Golden Bachelor in Paradise?!” :flushed: What say ye? Also, Golden Bachelorette?

A Golden Bachelor/Bacherolette in Paradise type of show ought to take place on a cruise ship (and probably Holland America) :wink:.


Not sure I would want to see bikini/speedo clad golden age bachelorettes/bachelors. LOL