The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

This is a fun recap of episode 2:


I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see Marina return. Isn’t that a thing on the franchise, to have someone come back? So the other contestants can get all miffed about it?

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Marina is from the Los Angeles area. It must have been very, very serious for her to have left like that. Unless it was an excuse and I hope that was not the case(doubt it) . I’m not a fan of people coming back after they’ve left. But, I do hope whatever the issue was with her family has resolved itself.

You know, yes, but think of this. I think it’s sheer relief to find a genuinely nice man. They probably have had some disappointments up to now and are hopeful.

Yes, that’s often a thing. Lots of times it’s manufactured – someone gets kicked off and they are ticked about it and demands more screen time. And the producers love it.

But occasionally someone leaves for a legit reason (most recently, a woman left on “Farmer Wants a Wife” because her grandfather died). But she was a legit contender, came back and was picked. I do wonder whether Marina decided this isn’t for her and high-tailed it outta there. Most of the time, if someone leaves they weave the “drama” into the show, but with only an hour each week they don’t have time to milk it, I guess.

Gerry (Gary?) is (for me) the epitome of a nice guy. Courteous, thoughtful, handsome and able to laugh and enjoy himself. I really like him a lot. I have several single friends (in that age range) who would love to find a man that age like him. Most are tv watching, totally set in their ways, complain a lot, not active. If I were single I’d be searching for a guy like him. Good luck to all the women, and to him, I hope true happiness for them.

Dumb episode, but I assume they’ll get better!


Bumping up to keep the thread active and in case anyone watched this weekend and wants to post comments!

I was listening to a podcast I always listen to - Bachelor Party - with Juliet Littman from The Ringer - it was interesting to hear this week how she and her guest podcaster expressed how one thing they have noted about this Golden edition is how sure of themselves the women seem to be. How they know what they want and aren’t afraid to express it. How candid they are. So different than how younger Bachelor contestants - or even the podcasters themselves as 30-somethings, feel about themselves or their peers.

Maybe the show will give younger people some insight - and genuine respect - for their parents, life 60+, etc. - that is can be joyful and self-directed - maybe help them see US a little differently in their eyes!


It is likely that they only drove a short distance. Last season, Charity and Dotun ran a 10K together. Shortly after it aired, other participants in the run shared that Charity and Doton only ran enough to get the footage that the show needed.

Regarding Marina, in the deleted scene Jesse says that she had a situation with her family “back home.” Her home is maybe 30 miles from the mansion. At 60, she is one of the younger women on the show. Something might have happened, or maybe she just realized this just wasn’t for her.

All of Marina’s bios state that she is an educator with three masters. I was curious why someone would get three masters. Ends up that she teaches at a community college and has a MBA, MEd and MHM.


The second episode really touched me. Gerry just seems so lonely. I told dh afterward that I hope that he remarries as the thought of him being so lonely feels devastating to me. I don’t think I would be as lonely as dh. I have a much larger circle of friends.


Finally got around to watching the 2nd episode. Several touching moments. Poor Gerry is so sensitive about letting some great women get away that he is going to have a meltdown by season’s end. It’s the opposite of the young Bachelor in that it is the departing women consoling Gerry. lol

I never liked the group date concept, and GB is no different. I just fast forward to get to the one-on-one conversations where we actually get to know the women.

With the young bachelor, I find myself thinking, “You’re impossibly beautiful and could have any guy you want, but you’re going to have a meltdown because this immature kind-of-a-DB guy didn’t pick you?” But with GB, I feel bad for the women because they know what they want and deserve what they want, but the supply just isn’t there like it is for young people.

Was hoping Kathy would go, but my favorites are still in.


I don’t care for Kathy either


I felt the same way about Kathy. Too “pushy” for Gerry’s personality, but I had to rethink this one. I am often misinterpreted, in certain realms, because I can come across as too direct.

At her age, however, I get that she knows what she wants. She’s going to push to get it. There are slim pickings out there. The trouble is that she’ll steam-roll over Gerry’s gentle persona. He still mourns his wife. I’m pretty sure that his daughters will have a LOT to say about that.


No GB or BIP for me tonight. Local ABC station has the football game on.

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I actually liked Kathy more tonight! lol

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Watching football tonight, too.

Will watch GB tomorrow night and report back.

It’s not a choice of football or GB - local ABC channel is only showing football. I looked to see if GB will be on at 2 am but nope.

That’s interesting; our ABC is showing GB, and we are watching the game on Prime.


They usually air in a sister station if it’s not on at 2 am

@123Mom123, It’s the Broncos playing (and I use that term loosely) so it is preempted.

@skieurope, it is on a sister station but we don’t get that on youtubeTV, and it is not on the antenna channels. The ABC station isn’t either (I think something to do with cable contract disputes). We have a lot of issues with TV here. Two of the three cable/dish carriers don’t carry the Pac12 network (and thank GOD it is dying at the end of the season). Comcast hasn’t reached a deal with Kronke sports for 3 years so no Avs or Nuggets games.

Last Saturday for the CU game I went to a friend’s house but got bored so decided to go home in the 4th quarter and listen on the radio. Twelve second left in the game and the radio (which is already on delay) decides to go to commercial! After about a minute, comes back on with 3 seconds left. No idea (at the time) what happened during those 9 seconds (QB sack).

My doctor wonders why I have high blood pressure.


I didn’t like Kathy tonight. She came across as a mean girl. Unfortunately, I think she is also right about Theresa. I hope they both go home soon.