The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

I like the idea that Joan could return down the road.

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I noticed that the website (see image posted by @123Mom123 ) now refers to this as “Season 1.” I don’t remember seeing that before.

Regarding Golden Bachelorette, I was thinking that Leslie was cast with that in mind.


Good observation! I hadn’t noticed.

More to come. Cool!


Has anybody seen what the ratings of the OG Bachelor vs. the Golden Bachelor are? I would think ratings would factor into future seasons.


The Golden Bachelor has been averaging about 4 million. The last season of The Bachelor was about 3 million.

What that tells us, IDK, since the Bachelor ran in Spring, and the GB is running in Fall where there is a dearth of new content due to the strikes.


It tells us Boomers are watching! We’re still a large group.


Watch a YouTube video of Gerry in an interview with Jennifer Hudson. He is just too good to be true. Honestly, what a great guy.


OMG my daughter said the same thing!

My 26 year old and my 34 year old are watching GB and loving it. It’s not just for boomers.

I think Kathy is coming off badly here. Like a poor sport. I’m fine with Theresa….I think she is was just so over the moon with her date with Gerry that she just can’t stop talking - like an over enthused child. I don’t think she means harm.

Both Kathy and Theresa showed their age to me. Their faces REALLY showed “older” and their emotions seemed to take their confidence down a few notches - at least Theresa.

Ellen is my favorite. Susan is the life of the party and who I want to be. :). I don’t think Susan is really getting the time of day from Gerry but I love her!

The talent show was….interesting. I also feel that he was genuinely sad to see Joan go. I wonder is she does come back.

Who seems to get hurt at pickleball???

I could see Leslie getting picked for a Golden Bachelorette.

Agree with all of this, and want to add that I really liked Faith after night 1, but not anymore. I think it’s mostly the editing, but she and Leslie make me kind of nuts.

What is it about Gerry? The young bachelors are (mostly) just as polite with the ladies, but Gerry just takes it to a whole new level. The authenticity that comes (hopefully) with age I suppose. As someone upthread commented, how will he ever make it to the end, just letting ladies go now seems to devastate him.


I think he really is just a great guy, one of those people who makes everyone feel special. I know a few men of all ages who are like that. They’re kind of rare.


Or he is a good talker. I do think he is a nice man but also his business background has him keenly aware and skilled at talking, listening and making the “customer” feel good.

I’m not taking away anything from him by saying that. I just think he’s savvy enough in a good way to interact well with people.


However he obtained it, it’s a rare skill for men in my experience.


Looking at the headshots if the ladies involved - they are all gorgeous!!! Very inspiring!

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For the headshots, they had professional make overs. I’m sure several had botox and/or plastic surgery as well.

This Glamour article shows pictures of a few women when they were young.

The US Sun has a few more recent candid photos of the women (grabbed from the women’s IG pages).

This Reddit thread has links to their IG pages.

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I like Nancy.

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I’m sure they’ve had some work and glam - results are still great!

It’s nice to see attractive woman and a man that are 60+. There are so few images of people of that age depicted as attractive and even glamorous or sexy.

The women look so much better before their make-overs. I wish the program would feature natural beauty, maybe ditch the gowns too. Actually, for everyone in the franchise.


For most of the actual shows they are not in gowns. Plenty of shorts and leisurewear. And honestly during the show - except if they are on a date - they are not all dolled up. We see them in the kitchen cooking, chilling on their twin beds, etc.

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