The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

I agree, @Marilyn. I think the producers wanted Theresa kept in there, too. I was Team Ellen so was disappointed to see her go but I didn’t like her as much last night as I did in previous episodes. She seemed too needy last night.

I guess there’s no chance of Joan coming back in at the last minute, huh? :pray:


I felt sorry for Ellen. But also a little embarrassed. But then I had to stop and think, Gerry didn’t really see her crying and emotional did he? Till she nearly broke down and said “I have to go.”

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I had no idea that there was only a final three. I pegged the final four as the three he picked and Ellen. As I said above, I think, Toni was a brunette so I think that’s his type. I am bummed Ellen is gone as she seemed most fully formed, but, like someone said above, I think maybe she was too fully formed for ol’ Gerry. He seems to want someone who’s more needy/vulnerable. Bummer.

Personally, I think he’ll pick Faith. Theresa is just too much. And if he picks Leslie, it’s cause Little Gerry won the day. :rofl:

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He mentioned something to Faith about her music and her work. I think he saw similar attributes in Leslie I agree that Teresa’s days are numbered. His response to her last night was luke warm.

I also found it interesting that at least 2/3 of the remaining women were Jewish. I couldn’t tell if Sandra had a difficult time moving or if she just didn’t have much in common with the other women.

Wrong thread :upside_down_face:

I had this image during the missed wedding episode of the daughter going, “No Mom, really, it’s fine, no problem, please go, we’re good without you…”. Now it sounds like the fiancé: “No problem Mom, think about yourself, please go…”

Reminded me of my nephew’s wife who allegedly planned a destination wedding a few hours from home that the couple entirely organized themselves - after seeing her mother’s involvement in her sister’s wedding a couple of years previously.

I also liked Susan, but I think she was too similar-looking to his wife, and I think that that would’ve been a painful reminder to him of his loss.

I liked Susan too!


I think Susan has a large fan following. She might be another in consideration for the Golden Bachelorette.

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Have you seen the part of “never have I ever” that they didn’t show?? It’s a hoot. And Susan is great!

Let me find the YouTube link. I thought that was it.

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Susan is a HOOT - I hope they consider her for Golden Bachelorette!


I know Leslie is Jewish. Which of the other two (Faith or Theresa) is?

I am Team Faith at this point.

I liked Ellen better before this week.


Finally watched. Shocked Ellen didn’t make it. I thought she was gorgeous at the final rose.

Super disappointed in the final three. Theresa feels like she is begging, Leslie does not seem his type (and she is pretty but I don’t see the “stunning”that others mention” ) And faith can win but I just don’t care for her.

Susan is the savior of the show though Ellen also has a big fun personality. Susan is a gem!

Something was off with Sandra this week. I swear she looked 10 years older at the final rose.


I noticed as well. Maybe the lactose really took it out of her. Hope it’s nothing more than that.

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Here is a gifted link to the NYT OPINION piece on Golden. What do you think?

I don’t share this opinion but know others do. I don’t see the show as people not accepting being older - but other do. I don’t buy the idea that older means resigning to a rocker and frumpy clothes - but others do. I have heard you get people on podcasts innocently talk about 65-70 Year olds like they should not be interested in sex, be able to play sports, etc - but whole true for some, it is not that way for many.

What do you think?

That’s a fascinating article, abasket.

I’ve been thinking about that issue a lot (aside from The Golden Bachelor) - are all these efforts at retaining youth (for women) closely related to the patriarchy - our ultimate value is how attractive we are to the ones (men) with money/resources and the value metrics they impose on women are “young enough to bear children/carry on my genetic line”?

While I think there is a lot to that, when extending youthfulness is tied to maintaining health, muscle mass, cognitive sharpness, flexibility, etc. it seems less tied to “patriarchy values youth and consumer culture entices us to try and buy it” and more tied to personal happiness.

That being said, I spend a lot of time/money on youth/appearance-enhancing stuff. Internalized patriarchy…pretty sure about that…! lol

Really enjoyed reading the article and curious what others think…

PS sorry if this is derailing from The Bachelor discussion!


If anyone feels the discussion of the article is distracting from the thread I’d be happy to start a separate thread.

I work more on the health and wellness part of “avoiding aging” (exercising, eating well) as opposed to the vanity part - makeup, procedures, etc. but I do it TOTALLY for personal satisfaction- and the hopes of being here longer with those I love!

I was noticing that Faith had some lrettt toned arms (she is one of the youngest, right?) but would also guess if you had a couple months heads up if appearing on the show you might use the time to tone up a bit.

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I feel like the writer took the most extreme examples that were in there for “good TV” and extrapolated far beyond.

Everyone on here knows I wasn’t a fan of Leslie from that limo exit on, and April and her eggs were dumb, but c’mon. These women were mostly appropriately dressed for a cocktail party. Everyone was supposed to wear Aunt Chippy’s polyester stretch pants and sensible shoes? And she is almost 25 years older than the youngest contestants. There’s a generation’s difference between 84yo Aunt Chippy and 60yo Faith.

That’s one reason I really liked Ellen. She isn’t a try-hard like Leslie. She presented nicely and age appropriate for her 70 years, but you don’t get the sense that she’d had work done to try to pass as much younger. There’s a difference between putting your best self out there and outright denial of aging.

And who do you think is going to come on this show? People with a youthful attitude toward life willing to take a risk on finding love in the public eye. And people with the confidence to do all that, which may correlate to feeling confident in their skin, which my correlate to working out and appearing more youthful.

I have lots of thoughts about this kind of thing. Susan is a hairdresser and was shown working on people’s hair. Is it anti-aging to want to put a best foot forward? To dress up and spend extra time and care before an “event”? Maybe because I was raised in the South, but I would almost be insulted if people just schlepped out of bed in whatever. Is that what the writer wants? The writer is 50. I think she might still be young enough to not get what those of us in our 60s and older know – no one gives a sh-t what you do. And if they do? Guess what? I don’t give a sh-t what you think about what I do!

I have friends who I meet for lunch on a regular basis. Of the half-dozen or so, I am the only one who regularly (not always) wears makeup. So what? Do I think my friends think I am trying to defy aging by doing so? No. Do I think they have one foot in the grave and have given up on life for not wearing makeup? Also no. They’ve never worn makeup regularly, and I always have. BIG DEAL. That’s what the writer seems to not understand – there are a lot of expressions of self that can be tied to age and judged and dissected, but life is a lot easier when you worry about yourself and not others.

Now, having said that, this show is about entertainment. It wants us to be talking about it. But there’s a difference between silly speculation – which is how I would characterize this thread – and using it as an indictment of the people on it and extrapolating that to the world at large. I might characterize Leslie and April as try-hards, but I think most of the women on this show ARE portrayed as age-appropriate. What the writer doesn’t seem to believe is that being 70 isn’t a monolith, that there STILL is a wide range of people at 70. People who exercise and those who don’t. People who use age-defying surgeries and those who don’t. People who read and those who don’t. THAT to me is the beauty of The Golden Bachelor – a recognition that life isn’t over at 60 and that there are lots of ways to be and be comfortable in your skin.


Made a separate post as that previous one is really wrong, but I think this discussion is perfect for this thread. These kinds of topics are integral to TGB and no doubt why viewership is up. It’s whole point is, well, ratings, but it’s supposed to be showing us that just because you are older doesn’t mean that you don’t want romantic love, which I guess is eye opening to some people.