The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

I agree with SO much if this. Very well said (to me)!!! :raised_hands:t3:

Reading the article above and all I could think was “this writer certainly isn’t the age of golden anything!”

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My H is 81 and I am 66. We are still pretty toned, with BMIs of 22 or so, and have not had “any work done.” I can’t imagine agreeing to be filmed in a “ reality show.”. My sibs are similar in bmi and approach to aging and our respective ages.

I do have friends who are divorced and have found love later in life. One is definitely not svelte and trim but very happy with her new partner who also shows some signs of aging. Their kids are happy for them.

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Also how one appears when the camera is rolling can be very different. I have a friend who had interactions with both men and women on a younger person realty show and she said the women especially looked unrecognizable after hair, makeup and wardrobe.

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I finally got to watch this week’s episode on demand. Geez, I didn’t know how many ads I usually miss since I record it every week! I don’t think I could sit through another episode on demand.

I was disappointed that Ellen left. I agree that Sandra looked really bad at the end. I hope she’s OK.

What an excellent post, Youdon_tsay. I agree to great degree - people in any group (age, gender, ethnicity, etc.) are not a monolith. There are women with all sorts of approaches to fitness and appearance.

And I suppose that’s true feminist freedom - when women can make all sorts of choices (and not be judged or culturally vilified for them)…?

^^ this cracked me up! Ha, and true!


I looked up the author (and her age) as well - @Youdon_say completely echos my sentiments -thank you for putting my thoughts into your words so perfectly! :rofl:

I was also struck by the author’s near complete focus on the physical attributes of the women on the show. The moments I’ve most enjoyed are the snippets of each episode that reveal something about the women that is not about how they look but who they are - the lives they’ve lived and how they reflect on them - it’s not a lot of material, but there are nuggets here and there that really make me take notice, and I suspect (and hope) that Gerry is listening to that too, and not just deciding who he likes making out with the best.


Schedule for the rest of the season


For as fast as the season went, seems the end is being stretched out - which I’m ok with!


My thought too. They are really milking this for all it’s worth! But, luckily its enjoyable!

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I think they saw the initial ratings surge and figured they would milk it for what they can.


Can’t blame them

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I still don’t like it on Thursday. Too much stuff to bump the coverage. (and I don’t like to wait)


What is a Fantasy Suites episode?

Fantasy suites are overnight dates with no cameras or microphones. Everyone assumes contestants have sex or at least get physical to some extent as this is kind of their first chance to do so away from the cameras.


Right. So you see their date up until they get back to the suite and close the doors! And then you often see them shortly the morning after.

The morning shot is usually the two in bed, but the women’s hair is styled and they have full make up on.

Oh that’s how we all look first thing in the morning :roll_eyes:


Well I don’t now but I’m sure I will when I’m 70