The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

Good insight! I didn’t realize how many episodes are left.

My take is that he clearly has a strong physical attraction to Faith, but he knows it won’t work out long term with her. Especially after visiting her home and hearing her admit that she isn’t interested in moving. Theresa seems to be the one he’s least physically attracted to, but she has the personality he likes the most. My guess is he will send Faith home when last night’s rose ceremony continues, and that he will pick Leslie in the end. She wouldn’t have been my choice, but lucky for him it isn’t up to me. LOL.

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I’m also resigning myself to the idea of picking Leslie. I hope whoever it is he’s happy.

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I’ve enjoyed it less the last few weeks, so I think at this point I don’t care. Not sure I’ll make it through the Tell All. All Gerry does is talk about his former life/wife. I’m not sure any of them can replace the perfect spouse he had.

The grandchildren were cute.


I’m confused. He didn’t give out the second rose last night? Aren’t there supposed to be two left at this point?

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TBC. The rest will be shown at the beginning of the next episode

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Just watched . Here’s my take.

He really struggled to come up with words of affirmation about Theresa and to Theresa. Her daughters home was beautiful and the whole family lovely. But Gerry seems so tentative with her….

Faith and Gerry make a good couple. Wonder if she is little more rugged for him. I think it’s a mistake for her to say she can’t leave Washington- there are planes! It’s a big ask to not expect to split life between the two families.

Leslie…I think he’s pretty smitten with her but I worry that if he is “so different” than other guys she has dated … will Gerry be enough for her? Is she willing to settle for a more quiet life and non-Prince material guy??


Especially since her grandkids call her “Glama.”

I am curious why they went to a restaurant rather than Leslie’s home. Unless it’s too small or she’s in a senior community or something like that.

Oh - just tried looking for the venue and it looks like a private club? Was this it?

EVERYBODY likes Gerry…lol

Me too! This does look like the place - that seemed odd - but I often wonder if the ‘real’ houses are actually so, or just Air B&B’s to maintain the families’ privacy…

This has happened in other seasons of the Bachelor/ette as well. Maybe the homes are small, or messy, or maybe they just don’t want their home on TV.

Faith and Leslie, besides both being younger and sexier, also seem, as mentioned somewhere upthread, more vulnerable/hurt in a way that Theresa is very much not.

I think personality-wise/compatibility-wise, Theresa and Gerry are the better match.

But my guess is that he will choose something more ‘exciting’ in one of the younger women because he doesn’t seem to have much physical chemistry with Theresa. Libido is a powerful force, even at 73 apparently!

Then again, the producers could be REALLY messing with us and he will pick Theresa. :rofl:

Also, as a faithful Bachelor/Bachelorette watcher, the kissing always gets to be just a bit too much for me, but the senior kissing is…well… so much worse. Just awkward. I’m sorry. :woozy_face:


Just found this on my TV boards:

Leslie has a condo in Minneapolis, but it probably wasn’t big enough. They filmed at an exclusive coworking/event space in downtown Minneapolis that her son is a member of.
The Star Tribune (Minneapolis newspaper) did a brief article about her recently. She and Prince dated when they were teenagers before he was Prince*. Her brother was his valet for a decade. Maybe the one we saw?
It didn’t specify how her dad died, but she lost her mom when she was 26.


*I think the craziest thing to think about is that Prince would have been Golden Bachelor age now had he not passed away in 2016.

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Prince would have been 65, and Gerry is 72. Close, but not close enough

Quote was from someone else; I have no idea.

Well, the women are 60-75, so a male who is 65 would be OK.


I don’t really enjoy reality TV and have never watched The Bachelor. But was super curious about this and binged it this past week.

It’s as cringe worthy as I imagined, but it’s like a train wreck and I can’t stop watching. Mostly the very, very bad plastic surgeries, filler and horrible filled lips. Some just looked plain weird. I’m all for plastic surgery and do Botox. One of my friends just had her neck tightened and minor Jowl lift and she looks so natural and fantastic. She said people aren’t even noticing.

Such a disconnect between many of their faces and their aging bodies.

Anyway, Gerry seems to be a super nice guy, a bit to weepy and nerdy. I think bringing in the grandchildren is not a great idea. Telling them he loves their grandma’s, etc.

I think he wants to choose Faith, but she’s never going to move, at least that’s what they want us to believe. But I feel he’s very attracted to her. Leslie seems a bit too edgy for him. I’m not sure what I think of Theresa. Her face is just bizarre and I think if she looked better he might have picked her. She does seem like she is a very positive person.

My favorite of all that I’d like to have as a friend has been that taller short hair woman…lots of fun she seems.


Yeah, everyone LOVES Susan! What a gem. (Tall, short hair)

I wonder if part of his decision will be swayed with how things go with HIS family when the two final meet them. Will his daughters have a say??

You can really feel how awkward it is for families to first see their family member falling in love with this person the family never met - but then realizing that there are two other woman getting the same treatment!

I agree that they should have kept the grandchildren out of it or kept the meet and greet super brief. We get it, they have grandchildren - but it might be a hard explain to them how this all works - or doesn’t work out

I do want to say it has been a lot of fun chatting on this thread this season - and drawing in some new watchers to this franchise - even if it’s a one time thing!

The podcast I listen to “Bachelor Party” on the Ringer network had an episode recently where the 30-something host had a 60-something guest to discuss the show. It was interesting how the older viewpoint opened the eyes of the 30-something.

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