The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

Interesting. My first thought was, “What teenager has a valet?” I’m guessing he was Prince’s valet after they dated. According to Wikipedia, Prince signed a record deal with Warner Bros at 19 years old. Sexy Dancer came out in 1979. Leslie is 64, so she was around 20 when it was released.

Her ex is now a very successful chef. She hasn’t been married to him for 20+ years, but if she has a “type”, it sounds as if she might be drawn to creative men. For what it is worth, according to the restaurant websites, her son, Eli, is in business with his father.

To me, it looks like she (and one of her sisters) wears a wig. And why does her bright red lipstick look like it can’t stay on her lips?

This has bothered me from the first episode. She strikes me as kind of creepy. Her mouth is just weird. I read a comment online somewhere that described her with “a fixed stare, like a stunned fish”. I just can’t see him choosing her but I don’t put it past the producers to manipulate us with the edits.


And why is her face so white? Chemicals Peels?

I’m not crazy about any of them. I really don’t care who he chooses. Those women are very invested in their home lives and we will see that he also is. How can this possibly work? I would never relocate from my family for a man at my age. (senior)


OK, that’s what I was implying upthread!!! Will anyone relocate, the women or him, for love?

At this point, I would consider it as I already live 1,000 miles from either of my kids. It’s not like I’d be leaving my family if I moved to Indiana or wherever he lives. But I don’t have grandchildren, and one of my kids isn’t married so who knows where he’ll end up. But all four people left on this show live in proximity to their whole families. I’m sure the women being close to their families is part of what makes them attractive to Gerry as he seems close to his as well.

So I’ll ask directly – If you were one of this show and thought you’d found the love of your life, would you relocate for him/her? I’m asking everyone, no just @VaBluebird

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I agree about Theresa’s make-up. From day 1, I always thought her lipstick was applied way outside her lip line or was running - just messy looking.

Maybe a slightly lighter hair color would make her look less pale. If her make-up has a mineral sunscreen in it, that can reflect oddly from camera lights.

I don’t see a long term relationship between Gerry and any of the 3 remaining.


My sibs all live in HI. Our respective kids visit our island often and the older ones are relocating back here. The idea of moving to another state for love doesn’t currently appeal to me (though I’m happily married).

We hold our hope our kids may relocate back to our island at some point but aren’t sure yet.

This not directed at anyone but just interesting how things come around….early in the thread the women or show were being “knocked” for being too perfect, too fit, too young looking, too made up…yet we are still here and there “knocking” a woman for messy lipstick, awkward facial features, etc. - goes to show, you can’t win! :laughing:

I think it’s hard to say what anyone might do for the chance at love again and to not be lonely. Loneliness is REAL. Even if you have a nearby network of friends or family.

I have a friend that reunited and married her high school sweetheart in probably their early 70’s. He lived in Ohio, she lived in Arizona. Now, a few years into their marriage they spent half the year (guess which half?!) in Arizona where she had relocated and where her family is and half the year (summer) in Ohio where his family is. They both kept a home. During the time in Arizona the Ohio comes out to visit and vice versa. For now it works.


That sounds ideal! Snowbirds for love!!!

Gerry said something that second week that made me go to dh, crying, and say that he needs to get remarried if I die. He probably thought I’d lost my mind, but Gerry was soooo sad and lonely, and I don’t want that for dh. I did tell him, however, she is not to get any of my 401k and that it should go to the kids! lol


Your post needs like 6 emoticons

:heart: :joy: :bulb: :hushed:


Was it mentioned up thread or did I read somewhere that Gerry said that he would be willing to relocate?

I heard him say something similar to Faith (the horse lady).

He still lives in that house he bought with Toni, right? That might be a difficult situation for a new wife.

Also :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag:

No. He bought another house in 2021; Toni died in 2017


Definitely interesting how much emphasis at the end by some seems to be on appearance. Yes, sometimes you really can’t win. They all seem fine but it does seem the logistics are difficult. All, including Gerry, are very connected to their local families.

Let’s be honest—it takes special people to want to participate and have this very public courtship, for the younger folks and the golden ones. Of course, some may have made choices many of us may not have—I for one don’t like publicity, especially a “reality” style show.

I applaud those who decided the potential benefits outweighed the risks, knowing they’d be judged by tons of folks from living room tv screens. I hope those that participated achieved the benefits they sought, or at least some benefit that made it worth what they gave up to participate.

Women often judge other women in their appearance, at all ages. It’s not ideal but it’s reality. I’d prefer if folks were judged on their merits rather than their appearance.

Ok, off my soapbox and returning to regular programming.

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I don’t care who he picks. It’s been interesting to watch older people on this show, regardless. H and I have chatted through many of the episodes, comparing ourselves and our perspectives with what we saw playing out.

I would not move for a new love later in life. I can’t imagine wanting to feel tethered to another person. Lol!

However, I had a co-worker who had been divorced, was dating a nice guy for ten years, then attended a high school reunion, met an old schoolmate, came home and dumped the nice guy, moved to this far away state to be with the schoolmate- and literally dropped off the face of the earth, leaving all her old friends behind- as well as her three kids and three grandkids!

It occurs to me that this is about the stage where I get disgusted by all the Bachelor shows. LOL. I’ll keep watching but I’m over it. I don’t care. This is as unreal as ever.

