The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

I would move IF it weren’t to a hot climate!

I did tell DH, who’s almost 9 years older than I am, that I expect him to stick around a long time! He runs 3 miles every day and watches his weight carefully, thank goodness.

Yeah, but I wasn’t knocking the women for being too perfect or too fit. From the beginning, I commented on the botox, face lifts, makeovers, etc. I still think that they look better in their before photos.

I can’t believe I am commenting on this thread. I have never watched any of the Bachelor or Bachelorette shows, nor Golden Bachelor. I’m not a TV watcher. I have read this thread and I have read articles about the Golden Bachelor and have seen photos, etc. Yes, the women on this show all look good for their age. I wish they had a broader mix of women (in terms of physical attributes) in this age bracket, but I know it’s TV. So, here’s this guy choosing from about 20 women or so. But how does each woman know they would want to partner with the one guy presented…like through getting to know him, wouldn’t some discover he may not be the best match, just like he gets to decide among the women after getting to know them?? How could each woman on the show, necessarily want to partner with this guy after getting to know him? Just like real life dating, a woman might decide he is not the right man for them, right? So, this Gerry guy gets to pick, and yet the women are not having a say if they truly want him as a partner after going through all these dates or whatever they do to get to know him. Can’t quite wrap my head around that.

On a side note, unlike some regular dating, such as on dating apps, where a person can select a geographical radius/distance of whom they want to search, this program involves matching up with someone who could be thousands of miles away from them. I guess they know that going into it, but that is not for all people. I would not want to date someone in the midwest as I live on the East Coast and moved to my children’s city to be near them. To go on this show, it seems limited to people who are willing to partner with someone from a long distance away.

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Contestants always can leave. And they can refuse a rose at any stage of the show or the ring at the end. They have some agency.


I would guess that some who left realized that it wasn’t for them, but used family as an excuse.


There is a woman (BachelorData) on IG who compiles data on the Bachelor/Bachelorette/BIP/Golden Bachelor shows.

It is interesting to see how many IG followers these women had prior to coming on the show.

Sandra - 189
Ellen - 251
Nancy - 375
Kathy - 385
Theresa - 547
Susan - 606
Joan -772
April - 1416
Leslie - 1494
Faith - 1571
Edith - 1898
Natascha - 1960
Renee - 1998
Patty (Matt James’ mom) -7024

It will be interesting to see which women use this show as a springboard for other opportunities. BachelorData posted a breakdown of how many IG followers each person gained per episode. Below are the top six. She has the rest on her IG page.

They know, then probably just quit trying that hard. A little show for the camera and that’s it.


I fully expect to see one of them on Dancing With The Stars one of these days. I’d love to see Gerry on there :man_dancing:.


I’d rather see one of the woman on DWTS! I think they would be more fun!!! Good guess though - that one of them will end up on there.

That’s the usual route … Hannah Brown and currently Charity. If that happens “sexy dancer” Leslie seems the most likely, right? :nauseated_face:


Wouldn’t Susan be a hoot? :rofl:


I thought Leslie was cast as a potential Golden Bachelorette. Now I am thinking Leslie is more likely to go on DWTS and Susan is more likely to be cast as the Golden Bachelorette. I can see her friends, Kathy, April and Nancy, showing up to give her advice on the men.


This week will be “Women Tell All” and I’m hearing various reports that it is a very good episode with lots of emotion, life advice from the women, etc. It will be 75 minutes and I believe we will also find out which 2 women stay and which one goes home.


I’m watching Gerry be interviewed on Live With Mark and Kelly. He’s run nine marathons with a PR of 3:12. That’s fast! Also was in the late '80s, but still. I’m a former marathoner, and my PR was 4:31.


I do wonder about a golden bachelorette. Has there been much talk about a golden bachelorette. I’m not up on that gossip.

I wonder if there would be enough quality men who would go on the bachelor to have a golden bachelorette.

It’s very difficult for older women to find men as the odds are not with them. Older men will have their pick of women wanting to be in a relationship. Not so much for women.

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One lady named Nancy chose to leave ahead of the rose ceremony. She confronted Gerry that there didn’t seem to be that “connection” between them and he said you’re not wrong so she left. I take it she wasn’t all that into him either.


The talk is that there will probably be a GB-rette - but that maybe they won’t rush…and will recruit for a bit. Too much Bachelor franchise to go around between Bachelor/Bachelorette/Golden/BIP.

I think their ratings have been good enough that I can’t imagine they wouldn’t try again. @deb922 are you saying there are not as many older men as women out there??

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I suppose it depends on what happens with the SAG strike.

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Exactly what I’m saying.


Live with Kelly and Mark. She gets top billing, and deservedly so

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