The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

That’s un believable fast. My DH is a marathoner and his best is 3 hrs. 38 minutes I think.

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People aren’t under any obligation not to stretch the truth when on talk shows and for publicity. Haha!

One wonders what other fibs may be used in this whole on-air drama before participants really get to know one another w/o the cameras.

Tonight is “Women Tell All” which should be a lot of fun. And I think they will show the cliff hanger of does Gerry chose Theresa or Faith to join Leslie in final 2.

But thought I’d share this article written by a Columbus based 68 year old retired OSU prof and current author (and was on the Bachelor Party podcast recently) that is her opinion on how GB is representing woman 60+


I’m even MORE irritated now that he didn’t choose Ellen! :rage:


Genuinely nice people on the show.

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I can’t wait to see what Gerry has to say for himself after that rose ceremony ending.

I have to say that while I hate a cliffhanger finding out who got booted right there on The Women Tell All and talking to them immediately certainly ups the drama!

Fun watching tonight. I am not surprised by the final 2. The third–last to go–was surprisingly emotional about it. As previously discussed on this thread, I think she eliminated herself.

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I am voting for a ménage!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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I think he basically said it. He saw Faith in her element, with her horses and farm animals and her sons, and he didn’t think realistically he’d fit there, and he wouldn’t expect her to sacrifice it for him.


I like Gerry less and less as the season progresses (and the women more and more). He walked in and said how much he missed all the women - that he himself had sent packing. Does he realize that he might have warmer feelings for them than they have for him? Are we supposed to feel sorry for him that he feels so bad about breaking hearts; he does cry a lot! It seemed like he really did a number on Ellen and Faith both; they are not yet over it. But most of the others are and did a nice job expressing how being on the show opened them up to embracing their lives in a more positive manner.


You can really tell April doesn’t like him. Did you see her mocking his hand gesture after he came out. I’ve seen the written interview she gave recently. All that crying, I find that a huge turn off. I’m not a big fan of Ellen, she seems so jealous.

He did seem to have a connection with Faith…it’s just the distance and lifestyle. I bet he ends up with Theresa. Her life seems stable and they have a lot in common. Her lips absolutely drive me crazy.


I LOVE this article. Thank you for sharing it. She stated perfectly how I feel about watching it (watching the women is the main reason ) and what they represent about our age group.

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I agree with liking Gerry less and less.


I feel like the unevenness in Theresa’s mouth/lips might be related to Botox or something?? Maybe Dysport as I think it spreads out more. Like one side of her got a bit too much so she’s over-relaxed on that side?

I don’t know the total duration of the filming, but it takes awhile for those miscalculations to correct themselves as the Botox/Dysport/Xeomin wears off. I could see any of them having it done not long before filming so it would be at its prime efficacy. But, if someone were overzealous with that (or had never had it done before at all), it might be easy to not get it quite right. I want to see what Theresa looks like down the road.

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Well the rose ceremony went how I expected it would. Poor Faith, she seemed so crushed. I would love to know how much time had passed between her getting the boot and when WTA was filmed. Does anyone know? I liked Kathy a lot more on the show last night than I did when she was in the mansion. They definitely edited her in a way to make her seem more villainous. Still love Joan.

I have a feeling Gerry will choose Leslie but I am even more certain now that I don’t think she’s the right one. I think it was Faith, but as PP mentioned, their lives wouldn’t have meshed well. Stinks having to wait 3 weeks for the finale!

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I never thought he was that exciting. I found him
ill-at-ease and rather boring. What do we even know about what he does in his free time (pickleball)?


Gerry isn’t someone I’d ever be attracted to, but I think you’re being a bit unfair. It may be that he DOES miss all the women, in the sense that he misses the whole group dynamic. I do think there are a few women–Sandra is one–that he just wasn’t that attracted to, but would like to keep as friends. In any event, I think saying it was well-intentioned.

I thought the way he treated Faith on the WTA show was remarkably kind.I thought his explanation to her was probably fairly truthful. I think he was genuinely attracted to her…but then she said the part about not being willing to move away from her dead horse. Is it that hard to believe that the whole exchange wouldn’t change someone’s mind? It’s not just the reason she gave… was, lets face it, weird…it was almost as if she was telling him I’m not willing to make any major changes in my life to accommodate someone new.

As for Ellen…if he had been permitted to keep 4 she obviously would have stayed and maybe he would have kept her rather than Faith after the hometown visits. However, I think she threw herself at Gerry too hard with the “I’m in love with you” routine.

And remember–he had to eliminate someone. Wouldn’t people be criticizing him if he sent Theresa, Leslie or Faith home at that point?

Also, I get the vibe that a few of the women are both smarter and better educated than Gerry…and I don’t think he could take that long term.


I’m surprised Faith agreed to do it. She is clearly heartbroken,

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Yes, it was nice to see how empowering this was for many of them, expressed nicely by Sandra.

