The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

I’m shocked he picked Theresa over Faith.

I heard that the actual order of hometowns (the way we saw it aired was not the order it happened in) was Faith, Leslie, Theresa. Maybe he didn’t tell Theresa and her family he was in love with her because he realized after telling the first two that, he was even more confused so spared her feelings as he realized “wait I can’t love all 3!”

I CANNOT see him with Leslie long term. I mean come on guys, she dated PRINCE. Gerry is the complete opposite of anything Prince!!

Ellen still rocks for me. I was in serious tears as she said she told Roberta, “we will watch it together just in different places” :sob:


Thanks for the Slate article, @abasket–that was great! I love seeing women my age on screen for a change. (One of my friends commented that she liked seeing women with older, coarser hair that wouldn’t stay sleek and in place like on the young women!)

But while Gerry isn’t my type, either, I think the author, as a happily married woman, misses something in evaluating his hotness quotient. As someone who was widowed and dating in my 60’s, available and interesting older men are scarce! Especially widowers. The most amazing thing about Gerry is that he was single for so many years. A widowed male friend told me about all the available women checking in on him, helping out, fixing him up on dates, after his wife died. That does NOT happen to widows.


Frankly I don’t understand the snark about the women who were on the show, or even Gerry. These are vibrant (grown up) people who are doing something most wouldn’t even consider. I’ve seen men at 72, and older, most couldn’t hold a candle to Gerry. Many are sedentary, boring and frankly, not in great shape. In general, I think (older) women are more outgoing, and that certainly proved true in this show.

I hope that each of them finds their forever person and continue to live long and productive lives.


I agree, @JustaMom! The women I know in their 60s and 70s, married or single, working or retired, are all active–reading, taking classes, involved in politics, travelling, doing new/creative/athletic things, with a deep web of friendships and family. I love seeing that. And they talk about sex, too! That never-have-I-ever was fun.


There are plenty of woman “that age” that I k kwow or know of (a class reunion or high school FB page can really open your eyes) that aren’t so active, not so in shape or in tune or interested in their appearance, not living a life of vibrant activities. For sure.

But I hope this show does 2 things. Opens up the minds of those much younger than “senior age” CAN be all this. And hopefully inspiring for some to embrace the opportunities they may have to treat themselves well, or travel, or have FUN and be silly, or to start new interests with new people.

And to be very, very grateful for any of these things we have within our grasp to embrace.


It’s true there are people of all ages who are interesting, attractive, take care of themselves, care about current events, travel, and cultivate friendships and family, are willing to try new and different things.

There are also people of all ages who do NOT take care of themselves, try new things, travel, keep up with current events, stick with their ruts.

I’m glad this show is showcasing that people don’t stop being interesting and attractive once they hit 40 or any other arbitrary age.


Such a fun read on a Sunday morning - I think you can read 3 articles free - if this doesn’t work, I’ll copy/paste.

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Yahoo often publishes LA Times articles without a paywall.

Did anyone else notice Sam and Aaron from BIP in the audience? They usually cross promote shows. I’m sure there was some footage ( :poop:) that ended up on the editing room floor.

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Great article and shows so many sides of these women.

My favorite quote:
" Kathy: We are not invisible. My joke was calling people “yousta.” I yousta play golf. I yousta play tennis. Now I sit on the couch. And the message, for me, is get up off the sofa. You only have one chance to go around in this world. So grab every opportunity. I think the four of us — and really every woman in that house — portrayed that."


I thought I noticed Aaron but could not figure out who was next to him.

I saw Aaron B, but they moved too quickly for me to see who he was with

I haven’t watched a minute of this show, and I’ve never watched any of the bachelor shows except for a minute hear or there, but I’ve read most of the discussion here, and some of the articles. It is good to see an older adults version getting good press.


Thanks for that article, @lkg4answers! Interesting that none of the four thought Gerry was right for them, nor did they want to move to Indiana. With the regular Bachelor shows, the women always seem so crushed that the (boring) Bachelor sends them home–even though they are all young and gorgeous and have many more years and date options ahead of them. These women were all–Camp party! New, fun experience! I learned things! We made friends! :grinning:

I just read an article this morning. Gerry says he’s still with the chosen person and they are trying to figure out how to do this. They both love their own homes, but are considering a 3rd one to make it work. Hmm…not sure how that will. But he sounded like he was crazy about her.


Interesting. I’ve heard before that there is some unspoken Bachelor franchise “rule” that a couple stay together (or seemingly) for a period of time after the show airs at least in public. Don’t know if this is true but I think for instance…if you watched Michelle’s season of the Bachelorette, she and Nate were gifted on the “after the final rose” show $200K towards a house - but I had heard that there were strings attached - the cash didn’t come until 6 months post show if they were still together. May or may not be true!

I also thought I heard that Gary WASN’T in the lake house he purchased with his wife anymore. Again, don’t know if it’s true or not true. But I don’t think any new spouse should have to move into a home where the other spouse (or significant significant other) lived with the former spouse.

Also wonder even if Gerry and whoever are definitely in love…will they get married - or just be together? Is marriage important or is just a long time commitment important??

Fantasy suites tonight!


SkiEurope probably has the exact deets. I know if they stay together for 2 years, they get to keep the ring.

Here are a couple of articles with behind the scenes info.

Oh, lord!!! The bathtubs!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I missed that. (Thank goodness.) I must have been FF. Especially if it was during Teresa’s time.

My SIL called about an important family matter so I missed most of the Theresa overnight. Will re-watch in the morning, I guess.

After the date with Leslie it feels like a slam dunk. Was the Theresa date portrayed as equally as good?