The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

It was - in fact, it was possibly portrayed as even more intimate (not speaking sex intimate).

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I thought it was not kind to make Leslie rappel down the waterfall when she was clearly terrified. And it was not kind to Faith (who would see it eventually) to have him go horseback riding with Theresa.

That being said, everything was coming up roses for Leslie - but I was trying to interpret her look in the morning shots. It could have just been fatigue, but she seemed unenthusiastic to me, like something in the overnight discussion bothered her.

Theresa’s date started out kind of weird - all quiet on the horse front and Gerry having doubts. Then over dinner and overnight those doubts seem to have gone away and he now was seeing Theresa as an intelligent woman with common experiences in marriage/love. So something in their pillow talk went very well (and I do think it was talk).

To me, it seemed like he had a great upbeat and physical bond with Leslie but she started sounding almost like she expected him to validate her. While not really wanting to leave Minnesota. And he started cementing a mental bond with Theresa, who would stop working in a heartbeat to be with him?! Overall we’ve established that Theresa knows what it’s like to be grounded in love and Leslie does not.

I’m not seeing a proposal in two weeks but do expect Gerry to still be seeing someone - just not sure it’s either of these two. Both of whom he loves and love him :two_hearts: :two_hearts:

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I think it will be Theresa. She seems more intelligent and stable. But what I think will be the deciding factor is their shared loss of spouses. They both will feel comfortable talking about their spouses without the other becoming jealous. That means a lot. Leslie does not understand that type of commitment nor depth of grief.


I also thought Leslie looked slightly disappointed in the morning. Maybe it was because there was no sex. :grin:

I believe his heart is telling him Leslie, but his brain is telling him Theresa. It will be interesting to see what his daughters think of the women.

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If Theresa is chosen, Leslie is the first Golden Bachelorette IMO. If Leslie is chosen, I predict Susan will become the first Golden Bachelorette.

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OK, I went back to rewatch the Theresa part. AAACK. I am so irritated at Gerry. Do they hold a gun to your head and make you tell multiple people that you love them? I would be so furious if this guy told me he loved me and didn’t pick me. I know it makes good TV, but unless I was contractually obligated – and I wouldn’t sign that contract – there’s no way that i would string two people along like that.

ETA: Leslie and Theresa feel vulnerable in different ways. I can only hope that if he picks Leslie he didn’t sleep with Theresa.


Gerry even asked her if she “talks” to her (deceased) husband - something she does, and he does speak with his (deceased) wife. So yes, definitely a shared experience that bonded them.

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Did anyone else see a promo to apply for the next season of Golden Bachelor? We are having some connectivity issues so I only caught the end of the ad but that’s what it looked liked! I got the impression it was for Bachelor, not Bachelorette.


I agree that his heart (and his libido) wants Leslie, but his head wants Theresa. Will be interesting to see which one wins. My money is on Leslie, but I think Theresa is better for him.



What on earth was Theresa wearing when they said their goodbyes? She looked like she forgot to put her pants on.


If I had her body I’d wear that!


That’s true for me too for the majority of what they wear. They all have fantastic figures. That last outfit though with the long sleeves looked like leotard that needed pants or shorts over it.


If I look that good at that age, I would flaunt it too!

Girlfriend knew what she was doing with that outfit. As my Grandma would always say: “You leave them guessing and wanting a lil’ bit more!”

You go, girl!!


Maybe it is the editing, but I do not get how Theresa is still in the game. Yes, they seemed to have a great time in that early episode, but since then Gerry has been more interested in others. He likes it when the women are afraid or otherwise dependent on him. I guess that explains why the big personalities and more confident women got eliminated.


Leslie does fitness retreats in Costa Rica: Soul612 Retreat | January 12-17, 2024 in Costa Rica - Ketanga Fitness Retreats

To me this suggests that Leslie is indeed not chosen by Gerry.

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Just finished watching. You all make so many great points.

I loved that Theresa had a shining moment talking about her career. And how she build it and owned it. I think she is an intelligent, loving family woman.

I think they had sex - both of them - did someone indicate they didn’t??

Leslie has always seemed a bit of a downer to me. High highs and low lows. Can Gerry keep her happy for many years ahead? I don’t get a feel for what she wants other than she wants to be wanted. Theresa I see as more as someone who wants a partner AND a family AND maybe a dabble in her career. I think their lifestyles meld well.

No doubt he’s into Leslie - but is it love or infatuation?

Leslie falls flat to me often. Theresa is more steady.


I did. It was for bachelor. But they will also need applicants for the female contestants (I have a friend whose birthday was today. She’d be perfect!)

Yes, Leslie seems too needy to me. Way too much work.