The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

I think the three he initially gravitated towards were the three that came out in the beginning as the most fun. Theresa showed her “birthday suit”, Leslie threw off the walker and granny gown, and Faith rode in on a motorcycle. I think he has already had the love of his life and was looking for fun and adventure while he still has his health. But in Costa Rica, he and Theresa connected. They have a lot in common. They both lost a spouse after a long marriage, they share the same faith, and he was impressed with her career. He started seeing her as a potential life partner.


It’s interesting that he describes Leslie as “adventurous” - it seemed to me he really pushed her into activities she didn’t want to do both with the waterfall rappelling and the ATV riding date. She comes across to me as rather needy though they all seem inappropriately free with their declarations of love. I found Theresa more likable in this episode and of the two she’d get my vote (though goodness knows I’m almost always wrong when predicting their choices) though I wouldn’t have chosen either of them for him in previous rounds.

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I suspect there’s a lot of projecting—seeing in others what YOU want to see. It’s all a whirlwind, as it’s filmed in a rather condensed time frame that doesn’t allow for the natural development of relationships.

Remember, this is a TV show. Although they bring their own clothes, production decides what they wear. Production determines how they first greet each other and even the topics that they talk about. This declaration of love is production. The lead never used to tell people they were in love with them. Several seasons back, they started telling two (or more) that they loved them. That leads to a tearful confession (just before proposal) of “I never thought I could be in love with two people at the same time. I don’t know what to do.” I think that replaced the segment where they selected rings with Neil Lane. :rofl:

In a real life, how many people are one date away from getting engaged and don’t know what the other person does for a living?


I always shake my head at some of these dates. What does the willingness to jump off a cliff have to do with whether someone would be a good wife/husband/life partner? I get that it’s a tv show but some of these challenges, oops dates, seem like they are more appropriate for the amazing race.

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I was irrationally irritated about the work conversation. Like he wouldn’t ever have asked that? And then I remember that this convo is likely just for the cameras. I’m quite sure on their one-on-one date at the diner they discussed her work. I with they didn’t feel compelled to craft such a narrative arc. Just t he premise itself is interesting, no need to manufacture stuff.

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I know this is a typical finale thing but I am hearing LOTS of chatter/advertising about a very dramatic 2 hour episode this week. A show exec mentioned a terrible “break up” on a podcast - is there ANY chance someone like Faith comes back in the pic?? (Reaching at straws here)

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*** fingers in ears***

Lalalalala/ I want to be totally surprised so won’t even speculate and will stay off this thread. But I will say that dh said after seeing a commercial, “Wait, I thought you told me this was going to be over on Thanksgiving!” Ooops. One more week, dear.

I have no idea how I stumbled across this Insta account, and I have no idea how reliable this person is, but there is an account called, “Reality Steve,” who has released the finale spoiler results.

If anyone wants to go and look

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Just don’t share here! My daughter follows Reality Steve but she knows not to tell me anything.

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No spoilers here ever from me! I promise everyone!

BUT fyi Reality Steve IS the reality show guru and very very often has spoilers info - he often releases before season even starts - and from what I hear it is often reliable.

I stay away from his info at all costs. I have gone back to it AFTER a show finale airs jist to see what he predicted.

This is one episode I will TRY to watch the night it airs.


And once it airs, discussuon is open, because there are no spoilers anymore. So, best to not look here until you’ve decided to watch.


Reality Steve is generally highly accurate on spoilers. I was surprised he didn’t learn of the Golden Bachelor outcome until so late. Like abasket said, sometimes he knows the outcome before the first show airs, or shortly thereafter…so the fact that he didn’t find out the outcome until last week is shocking. He did (correctly) know the final two women in Golden Bachelor quite a while ago.

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He said early on that he wasn’t going to post about the Golden Bachelor. I think he felt pressure so eventually released the top three, then the top two and then the final choice.

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Yikes. Gerry needs to respond to this.

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Yes, I’ve seen it.

Yeah. Ka-BOOOOOOM. Disappointing.

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IMO, this is a not very effective effort of getting media hits on content that is not really verified nor “shocking” the day before a very popular show airs it’s finale.

Not holding weight with me!

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Actually, he doesn’t. And shouldn’t.

Absolutely nobody should be surprised that production presents a condensed and sanitized version of the lead.

What did we learn? He retired and later did odd jobs. He was lonely after his wife died and dated. As part of discussion with a woman he dated for a while, they discussed finances and who pays for what. That people like him. Nothing here is abnormal.

Absent more interesting news, to me it sounds like this woman wants her 15 minutes of fame.


He seemed a little too smooth to me and wondered if he could really feel strongly about many of the women. I really liked him at first, but some things, like his voice, and overly-sincere demeanor started gating on me. And dating one month after after his wife’s death? No excuses!


I’m definitely looking forward to the finale. My guess from a couple weeks ago still stands- I think he picks Leslie. Although Theresa seems to be a better “fit”, I don’t think he can get past his attraction to Leslie nor her “adventurous” personality. I already feel bad for whomever he does not choose, because both are so heavily invested in him and have openly declared their love for him, many times. Going to be heartbreaking to watch.

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