The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

Ugh. So glad I decided not to get sucked into this. What a creep!


I’ve never seen The Golden Bachelor show or any of the Bachelor shows before this one. I have read this thread and have read some articles about it. I came to post The Hollywood Reporter article that I just read in the news (I am a news junkie). It just goes to show that this is simply TV and they can make up his story to fit the character they want to make it to be. It’s NOT all “reality.” But they made it out that he hadn’t dated and had only had one kiss between his wife’s passing and this show, when he actually lived with another woman. But hey, it’s show biz.


Why are people assuming these reports are true or accurate?? Does Gerry or the show not get a chance to share their side - I’d there is one??

If you HAVE watched the series you would also know that a lot of people have a lot of skeletons in their closet and while there is a vetting process they aren’t looking for the last single pure person on the planet.

SOOO looking forward to chatting about the finale!

I disagree. He lied. Oh, I do not like liars, no, no, no.
And really, though I liked him at first, as the season ripened, he began to seem very much like he was acting the part by that point. I can only imagine a “coach” helping him come up with great lines to use. JMO.


But isn’t the crux of his “origin story” that he’s a widower looking to first dip his toes in the dating scene again? I don’t think anyone assumes he (or anyone) is without skeletons, but this seems like a big oversight.


That wasn’t my interpretation at all. I always thought that it was a widower looking for his second happily ever after.

I’m much more skeptical of the intentions of some of the women. We’ll see how many of them use this as a springboard for other gigs.

Is that exactly how it was presented? I don’t recall nor would that have been important for me to notice - whether it was his first, second or 10th time at dating as a widower.

Again, CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW!!! :smiley:

Maybe that’s the big bombshell dropped tomorrow - GERRY ACTUALLY HAS DATES BEFORE! And worked beyond retirement at his first and primary job! :scream: :roll_eyes: :wink:

I don’t think the fact that he has dated before, and even lived with a woman for a while since his wife died would be “skeletons.” It just not quite as it was presented. It’s not that I care, but I think it is just part of the TV aspect of shaping the “story” as they did. Gerry apparently stated in an interview that he had had one kiss with a woman since his wife died, which is different from a two year relationship and living with a woman for a year, etc.

Someone commented that maybe the woman he had dated and lived with may not be telling the truth, but the article appears to have vetted her story, seen texts, talked to others who verified it. I’m not sure the article would just post heresy. I guess ya never know. Afterall, Gerry’s backstory is a bit askew itself.

I’m not even blaming Gerry. It’s TV and the show/producers may have opted to “revise” his story a bit.

As far as the mention upthread that the woman he was in a relationship for a couple of years and lived with wants her 15 minutes of “fame”…she has been anonymous in all the press stories.


I saw that earlier too!! Seems a bit like clickbait.


I’ve never watched any of the Bachelor shows and only started to watch the Golden Bachelor because my younger D and boyfriend were at our house when the first episode aired. It caught my interest since the participants were ''old" and I’m old too.

I imagine the producers of the show put a spin on Gerry’s past dating life, which isn’t surprising. This is a TV show!! Also, assuming the article is correct–they also put a spin on his professional work life. Gerry owned a burger joint and sold it. Then had a number of short-term gigs that weren’t in the food service industry. He isn’t exactly a 'restaurateur."


Gerry was on Jimmy Kimmel. He was asked if he had dated at all after his wife’s death. He said he had done a little online dating that didn’t go anywhere. He told a funny story about his experience.

There’s no way that isn’t a lie…and his response was neither scripted nor edited.


It was a big story on Entertainment Tonight tonight. If all of this is true, he may be one of the shadier, least truthful of any of the former contestants. Or the producers felt they needed to go out of their way and fabricate/embellish stuff to make him more appealing.

I imagine finding a very successful, older gentleman, to go on a very public dating show was probably a challenge. 20 and 30 yr olds are looking for their 15 mins to launch a movie or social media career so many more options…Not really a goal of the over 60 crowd I imagine.


It bugs me that he pronounces her name, “Treesa.” It’s three syllables, not two. :sweat_smile:

Oh my gosh, exciting ending!

Hope it all works out and I’ll look forward to watching in January!

Oh interesting. I guess I think of Theresa as similar to Barbara or Margaret - technically three syllables but in everyday speech, two.

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Assuming the stories about Gerry living with someone and having gone out with more women are true, do you think he told Theresa the truth during the course of the show? If not, could this be the sort of thing that would lead Theresa to back out? Now THAT would be a twist!!!

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LA Times article

What are your plans after you get married? Is Theresa moving to Indiana?

There’s a certain amount of fates attached here. For the last couple of years at Christmastime, my family and I would talk about how the fall chores at the lake house were getting too much for me to handle by myself. I had identified Charleston, S.C., as a place I could possibly move to and live. In conversations near the end of my journey, Theresa talked about having a son and three grandsons in the Charleston area. All of a sudden, the possible obstacle of geography melted away. Maybe it’s fate that really helped us in that department, but it really lifted a burden off both of us on what that compromise would be.

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Everyone else said Theresa with three syllables.

Let’s just say I have a lot of experience with the name…