The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

They may be loaners or rentals. I doubt they pay full retail.


Maybe they recycle the dresses, like they do with the rings. :grin:

I was just thinking- maybe they use rent the runway!

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I’ll watch the wedding, even though she isn’t my favorite - overall I enjoyed the season, liked some of the women more than others (just like when I watch the younger bachelor/bachelorette) and have a healthy amount of skepticism when I watch, but always(!) hope for the best for all the couples.

I don’t really pay attention to those that come out of the woodwork except when it’s connected to racism or some seriously heinous thing. I believe he (Gerry) would have been honest with the 2 finalists. Theresa is far too smart to go off and marry a guy that wasn’t. Leslie…I think she might have worn blinders.

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Leslie…I think she might have worn blinders.

Yup. I also think she wanted so badly to “be chosen”, that she overlooked things that would have become major issues in their relationship. Like, where would they live, for starters. She was in love with being in love. I think that would have been the case regardless of who the Golden Bachelor was.


I thought for quite some time that Gerry was quite a player, although that is to be expected on one of these shows. I agree that Theresa was much better paired with him than Leslie.

However, I absolutely believe that whatever he said to Leslie in the overnight convinced her that she was his final choice. He’s used very committed language even in public, so he very well could have enlarged on the theme of “til death do us part.” But like so much else he’s said, it was probably done in the moment without thinking of consequences. He really did blindside her in the dump - very poorly done and not in the least gentlemanly. Oh, I meant it at the time? Come on. That’s where he was jerk, imo.

She essentially said she thought he was a man of integrity - until that point. Then she called him out as a liar - again, that must relate to whatever was said in private. Even within the context of the show, he did seriously mislead her and she was the wrong person to handle that well - hurt and fragile. And yes, this show was not the way for her to find a life partner.

If I were her, I never would have accepted that hug in the finale. I would have put both hands up to say, stop, don’t even. He sure recovered quickly as soon as she was out of the room! Did anyone else notice that as the show was ending, Gerry and Jesse were standing front and center and little Theresa disappeared in the crowd ? Gerry kept looking around to find her and finally got her in front at the very last second.

Also if I was Gerry, I would be worried that Leslie’s brother might be coming after him.

The wedding does seem rushed, but I read elsewhere that he had been thinking of relocating to South Carolina, and she has family there, so maybe they want to tie the knot and make the move. I think they understand each other very well. She’s somewhat of a player herself!


I hope it works for the happy couple and he learns to pronounce her name however she prefers it. It takes a certain type of person who wants to following and publicity to put themselves out there and be on a show like Golden Bachelor. It isn’t anything I or anyone I am close to would choose to do, and quit their job and expose themselves to the curious and critical public. The ones who do well financially from this exposure are those who generate a following and become “influencers” or somehow are in the media. It sounds like Gerry is keeping this open for him and Theresa as a future source of income.

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Oh, God, me too. I’d be like “Are you serious?”.


She talked about quitting her job. If she does, I hope that it is because at 70 she is ready to retire. Not because of him.


I caught the eye roll!! My favorite part of the finale!


I hadn’t watched the bachelor before, so I guess I didn’t understand how much the producers “create” the contestants. I did understand that a lot of such shows is scripted and shows are edited to create false impressions. But that’s different than the basic facts of the contestant’s life being untrue.

I think Leslie genuinely got very hurt. I don’t think she was faking it. I’d actually feel better if I thought she was.

I think the “Carolyn” story is true. So, less than truthful about his romantic past. Fully willing to tell multiple women he’s in love w/them. So, one question is…how can he make a career out of this? If he tried to sell a product in an ad, I would predisposed to think he was willing to say whatever to make a buck.

Second question…is a televised wedding usual on the Bachelor? If not, do you think they were paid to agree to it?

ETA Definitely agree that if I were Leslie, I would have refused a hug.

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I can’t speak for everyone but I can’t imagine the overwhelming majority don’t think Leslie was faking it! That was genuine pain and embarrassment.

I’ve probably watched maybe a dozen of the seasons of the franchise series. Other veterans can give their opinion but I still think it’s like 75% genuine and real and maybe 25% staged or prompted for tv. Then there is the editing.

Any show that is labeled “reality” vs maybe “documentary “ is gonna have some tweaking to captivate the audience.

A friend of my sibling was on the show years ago. Highly scripted, according to her.

Ages ago, I worked in a place that was filmed for reality TV. They fabricated issues and conflicts, reshot “candid” conversations, and even brought in a few non-employees who were "visually appealing ". It was essentially a docu-drama with unpaid actors. And hardly real!

This is entertainment first and foremost.

Even if it were all genuine, the editing can change things. But it did succeed in being engaging and a nice twist on the regular format.


I always thought they seem suited for each other. Grounded, lost spouses, their families seemed nice. I also think what really may have been the final decision maker were his daughters. I think they liked feeling like they could talk about their Mother…that’s not a small thing.

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I was always hoping Joan would return later in the season. They seemed like a good match.
I also always wondered, though it was obviously never openly discussed, how he felt about the religious differences with Leslie?

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Isn’t Theresa Jewish as well? There is info about his family celebrating with Theresa’s family for Hanukkah.

I wasn’t that crazy about Joan. Don’t know why . Theresa seems like a good match.

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I believe this is correct that Theresa is Jewish.

She was in the pool playing the Hava Nagila game and dancing the hora (in the pool) -

Not that this makes a definitive counterargument, but she previously posted her wedding photos on IG, showing her being married in a church.

With Leslie, who is Jewish. Knowing Hava Nagila only means she knows Hava Nagila.


Yes. I am Catholic and I know the words to Hava Nagila and can dance the hora thanks to my Jewish college roommate. I would have joined the party in the pool if I was there. It proves nothing about someone’s religion.

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