The Golden Bachelor - CC Discussion!

I don’t know where I read it today (and that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true) but I read that they were planning to be in the Carolina’s (whichever one) with Theresa’s son/family to celebrate Hanukkah

Here’s a screenshot

I was raised a Methodist and know Hava Nagila. Not at all uncommon to know the song.

Maybe Theresa is Jewish(or maybe not) or her son married a Jewish woman. Who knows. But, they seem to be celebrating Hanukkah at some point and hope they enjoy getting together. Maybe they will be celebrating Christmas or New Year’s Eve together also down the line. And then there is the wedding on January 4th. Sounds like a very busy next few weeks.

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I mentioned it a couple of times up thread. The lead professing love to the final two (or three) has been happening for several seasons now. Unless they leave on their own, anyone that gets a hometown date and doesn’t make it to the finals is hurt. Really hurt. And they always have them at the finale, meeting face to face with the person who rejected them.

In the regular Bachelor/Bachelorette seasons, someone that comes in 3rd or 4th is often cast to be the lead in the next season. Others are offered BIP.

I thought I remember her saying something about continuing to work because there was no reason not to. Didn’t she say something along the lines of if he gave her a reason to leave, she would?

Not only will the wedding be paid for, but they will be paid as well.

Edit to add
Before going on the show, Theresa had 547 followers on Instagram. 26 days ago, she had 9,718. Today she has 38.6K and a blue check.

After being cast, but before the show started filming, Gerry had 36K followers. 26 days ago, he had 72.8K. Today he has 102K.

Susan has 41k followers and didn’t come close to winning! Lol

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Just saw that Faith posted on IG congratulating Gerry and Theresa. She tagged them, as well as GoldenBachelorABC and BachelorNation. Faith started with 1571 followers and now has 31.5K followers and a blue check.

Yes, that is my point. You don’t have to win to reap the benefits from being on a show like this. Susan has a couple of IG sites. I’m sure she is charging a lot more to officiate weddings now!


Yes that sounds like what she said. But it’s pretty similar to saying something like “if we get married I’ll stop working”. I just want her to stop, if she does , for the right reasons.

Everything on the Bachelor franchises is done for the right reasons. :upside_down_face:

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Interview with Katie Couric goes there about minute eight on the Hollywood Reporter story:


Katie is a very classy interviewer—it was delightful.


Thanks so much for sharing this!

Yes! Maybe this was the editing, but I recall his countenance changed when he learned Theresa had money. Now we know Gerry was not a successful restaurant owner and I wonder about his motivations.

Okay, also true he and Theresa seemed very happy on that first date. Maybe he knew right away she was the one and then had to delay the inevitable.

Let me be catty and say Theresa’s dress did not fit well.


In an interview with People, the couple said they plan to move to Charleston, SC, which I presume to mean she will stop working. One of them has family nearby, but I forget which one.

he really skirted the issue


Apologies if I’m being naive but why does the fact that she is a trader make people think she has $$$? As a 70 year old maybe she is now just doing it part time.

No matter his occupation, Gerry had what appeared to be a nice lake home…even in Indiana those don’t come cheap….

Also I’m not defending him but what does it matter what his occupation was post his restaurant work….maybe she just liked to be busy and maybe he worked part time to fill up his time or to do a friend a favor or to work through his grief - sure The Bachelor isn’t going to advertise that he was a janitor but does it matter that he was???


On Susan’s instagram she and Kathy did a video and indicated that they are going to have “a second chance of love” with a stay tuned message - wonder what? :thinking: Something clearly associated with the show.

I read Theresa has corrected Gerry on how to pronounce her name - it’s not “Treesa”

I thought Theresa was Jewish when they were at the mansion dancing in the pool and by a few comments they made. Then on hometown dates when they introduced her sisters I thought “Oh, they all have Catholic names, I don’t think she’s Jewish.” Theresa (spelled with the H) is my confirmation name. But I had a co-worker named Sheila and her sister was Maureen (sister born on Easter so called Bunny). Irish you think? Nope, Jewish.

I know the dreidle song, which I learned in 4th grade Catholic school as we listened to a public radio sing-a-long for our music program.

I don’t that at 70 and 72 they really care that much about a mixed religion marriage. If either did, I doubt they would have participated in Goldern Bachelor

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Oh, good, that makes me happy! :slight_smile: