*"The hook will bring you back"* Quick question.

<p>I don't mind the answer, its the reason behind the answer. The people who say "no its not a hook" are fine, sure, it very well could not be a hook. However, if the answer is "no its not a hook, because you only put 40 hours into it, and thats not that much time", then it tells me that the poster doesnt know what he/she is talking about. Once a post like that has been made, people refer back to it and make an answer based on what they have read. Im not whining, and I don't seek your support. I wanted an answer and I got it. Its not a hook.
Badgolfer, why is it your goal to put me down? You saw something and you decided to comment on it- thats what I did, I saw that one or two people were ignorant of the fact that I have put more time into it than 40 hours, and I commented on it. Enough said.</p>