<p>question about college admissions:
Is a 'hook' something unique that make you stand out as an applicant? I haven't looked the term up in context, but if I have interpreted it correctly, would any of you consider being a student pilot (soon to be private pilot) a hook?</p>
<p>yes, I accidentally posted this thread twice.</p>
<p>its not a hook. Getting a pilots license requires what, 40 hours of flight? Colleges are looking for passions that you've pursued and devoted a lot of time to, things that you've excelled in. 40 hours, while expensive, is not the committment that makes adcoms say "wow".</p>
<p>Hey I'm a student pilot, also! I've been flying since I was 15, solo'd on my 16th, and am getting a lisense when I turn 17. Flying takes a whole lot more than 40 hours, espescially if you're going for other ratings, like instrument and commercial. There's also a whole bunch of unrecorded studying and classroom time. I think I have like 75 hours of flight, but a whole bunch more experience.</p>
<p>sounds hooky to me...even if 40 hours was all u spent (though u obviously spent more), that's still a long time. i almost died trying to get 40 hours for my driver's license! plus piloting requires a lot of maturity. sounds good to me</p>
<p>Careful, hilary...some of the Parents get touchy about their age. :p</p>
<p>I'm not sure if it's a hook exactly, but it's definitely a passion, which is what colleges are looking for. The Duke admissions office got very excited over a girl who was really into drag racing and entered competitions, for example.</p>
<p>hilary, they weren't oxen, they were mules!! Don't they teach you kids nothin?</p>
<p>Look, the point is colleges are looking for sustained committment and energy. Stanford (a reasonably well-regarded school) says on its admission website
n addition to academic excellence and intellectual vitality, we are interested in students who have made significant contributions to the life of their school or community. We do not favor one type of activity over another; nor is it necessary to participate in a large number of activities. An exceptional experience in one or two activities demonstrates your passion more than minimal participation in five or six clubs. We want to see the impact your participation has had on that club, in your school, or in the larger community. With extracurricular activities, a sustained depth of commitment is more important than a long list of clubs you have joined.
If you think 40+ hours of flying shows what they're looking for, more power to you. I just hope the adcoms agree...</p>
<p>I can keep it up as long as it takes!
It don't matter who you are!
If i'm doing my job, it's your resolve that breaks.
I ain't telling you no lie.
The hook brings you back!
On that you can rely.</p>
<p>kchen- No, that's not a hook. I knew a kid who had a 1580 SAT, Eagle Scout, salutatorian, awards at the state level, blahblahblah, and had a role on a TV show. He was deferred at Yale.</p>
<p>The way I see it, if it's a hook, you won't have to ask.
Everything else that could be considered "hook-ish" is certainly good and could tip you in, but it doesn't guarantee you in. Is that standard too harsh?</p>
<p>It was an error on my part to post this thread at collegeconfidential. Perhaps I should have asked my question in a place where people know that there is more involved in flying than just a time commitment of 40 hours, or in a forum where one ignorant statement is not built upon by others. Thank you for your attempts to answer my question.</p>
<p>Miles, if you don't want the answer, don't ask the question. </p>
<p>It's not a hook. It's pretty cool, but I know a couple students who fly, and several student pilots responded to this thread. This mean that although your EC is good, it's not unique enough or astounding enough to get you admitted. No school (except Air Force Academy, really) needs pilots or is looking for them. Your EC is a good one, but an EC is all it is.</p>
<p>corranged is dead-on. Your post seemed to be asking for an answer based on what people know and have seen. In reality your touchiness and irritability shows you really wanted a pat on the back and assurance you've got a great EC. Well, you probably don't. And you can hide from that now, but you're not going to be able to hide anymore come spring.</p>
<p>Furthermore, your series of posts show you have an even bigger problem. Its called attitude. Maybe flying is a big thing and some people who replied didn't know that. A reasonable person would calmly and rationally set them straight. "No, its more than just the flying. I went thru ground school which takes 200 hours. And I'm always at the airport helping out in exchange for rides. I really put a lot of time into it. With that, where do you think I'll stand?" But you didn't write that. Instead you pouted and whined. </p>
<p>Its about attitude. And I doubt this is the first time you've reacted this way. I bet its your typical way of dealing with others. I bet it comes out with the kids at school, and the way you interact with adults. Like teachers, for instance. The ones who wrote your recs, which due to confidentiality you'll never see. If they were honest, you are sunk.</p>