<p>I hate the disappearing undo button too!</p>
<p>…I don’t really have an opinion on the disappearing undo button.</p>
<p>I do, however, hate tomatoes. That count?</p>
<p>I’m watching this movie called Once. Beautiful music.</p>
<p>I read Fathers and Sons today. I didn’t feel like talking to anyone for about three hours after that.</p>
<p>I haven’t read that.</p>
<p>You might want to. It’s kind of touching in the such-is-life-and-what-is-the-point-of-it-really way that most Russian lit is.</p>
<p>I looked at Amherst’s website to make myself feel purposeful again. :P</p>
<p>Go to latinlookup.com :D</p>
<p>I did. I texted you. Can you believed I freaked out when I saw, “6 days”?! It took me a full two minutes to calm myself down and remember that it’s not * my * decision. :P</p>
<p>Hahahaha. I love you, fianc</p>
<p><em>bats eyelashes and squeaks</em> I love you more! :P.</p>
<p>(The last 4 posts I, um, posted told me to ‘try again in 6 seconds’.)</p>
<p>Are we one of those lovey-dovey couples?</p>
<p>Hey, you started the lovefesting.</p>
<p>What’s up you guyyyys <em>butts into the lovey dovey conversation</em></p>
<p>Hiiiiiiiiiii meghna.</p>
<p><em>flutters fingers</em></p>
<p>PS: I hate super lovey-dovey couples.</p>
<p>I knowwwwwwww. They make me want to pull out stuff from my magic backpack and THROWTHROWTHROW. I much prefer the playing-around-with-each-other type. </p>
<p>I got rid of my SAT prep books today. Was nice, but also sad, like letting go of a dream. Ah well. Better to accept one’s limitations than to give up on a liberal arts education altogether.</p>
<p>My favourite couples are the ones which don’t love PDA’s, the ones which hang around and chill out with other friends without getting their hands all over each but then have a quiet moment together out on the balcony when the party’s winding down.</p>
<p>Yeah, those are sweet too.</p>