The lols of Peer Editing.

<p>My teacher gave us copies of fellow students' essays on the Life of Pi to peer edit. </p>

<p>Here's an excerpt from one:</p>

<p>Thesis: "Pi runs into many conflicting issues during the novel, including his morality versus his survival. Pi must not compromise one for the other, or he will either die or go mad."</p>


<p>"On the island, Pi notices the algae are turning the salt water into fresh water. This making [sic] all the fish die, this algae represents the Islam religion, and the salt water and fish represents the other religions of the world. Islam worshipers try to convert people to their religion and kill if the don't convert over to Islam. The converts the salt water to fresh water, the fresh water represents the new members of the Islam nation. The fish and the ones who didn't convert have been killed because of it. Religion plays a key role in every scene of the novel."</p>

<p>double-u t f? hahaha</p>

<p>That’s my paper! You have a CC account, you jerk?!</p>

<p>Oh noes! My identity - it is compromised!</p>

<p>I’ve seen far far far worse</p>

<p>That’s why I don’t understand the concept of “chance me” threads. What do our peers know???</p>

<p>: ), I think the chance me threads are just to have a false sense of hope.</p>

<p>Poseur, are you serious? If you are, then you validated this thread’s existence.</p>

<p>this thread makes me giggle.</p>

<p>oh, and in case anyone in wondering why my posts alternate between using caps and not - some of the posts are my mom’s. that last one, for instance. just thought i’d explain.</p>

<p>Pffft, that’s nothing. I’m the editor of my school newspaper, and before we had requirements about who could be in the class we got papers from high school students who didn’t know how to use quotation marks, thought “I decided to write my article on” was a good lead and thought it was totally okay to spell “you” “u.” My favorite was an article we got called “Boy Socker Team.”</p>

<p>Palin was spelled “Palen” in our school newspaper</p>

<p>Peer editting makes me cry, especially for Bio labs where I find so many grammar mistakes in work by my fellow AP English students. AP English, where if she finds a grammar mistake it is an automatic -10.</p>

<p>It sure does make me lose faith in humanity.</p>

<p>Someone in my class wants everybody to read and edit his college essays, and since I’m usually last I can see the corrections others have made. Way too often they change something that was originally correct, or they make comments about content before reading the entire essay and seeing that it’s already in there. That’s why you can’t replace the teacher’s advice.</p>


Someone had to do it.</p>



<p>An incomplete sentence.</p>

<p>I’m thinking that I should start the Grammar Nazi Party of America.</p>

<p>When my peers edit my papers they come back in a worser state than when they went in.</p>

<p>Get off this site you dumb prick.</p>

<p>^ Your post history is GOLDEN. XD</p>

<p>“Boy Socker Team”</p>


<p>To whom is cs referring?</p>

<p>We had a mock presidential election at my school, and Barack was spelled “Barak” on the ballot. It was hilarious and infuriating at the same time.</p>