The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Did anyone get an "Additional information"packet/catalog from Exeter?

@poppyknight: I don’t think I did. What did it look like?

It was just a rectangular catalog, kind of thick with information about why exeter, what students go here, ec’s, special programs, harkens and teaching methods etc. and a letter in the front from the administrator (generalized, I’m sure) @thelittleswimmer

My essay is exactly 25 words over. Do I really have to cut something out, or can I just send as is?

@whimsicalwhims: It depends. Have you cut out as much as you can? I’m unsure if they will actually count out the words. I would say, cut out as much as you can (unnecessary details, etc.,), then send in what you have.

@poppyknight: Oh, I got that one too. Is it a medium-thick large red catalog with “Why Exeter?” in the front? Yeah, the letter in the front is generalized ;).

@thelittleswimmer yea it’s torture reading about it and knowing you can’t change anything in the apps or do anything else to make them accept you :((

@thelittleswimmer I think so…would you mind if I very politely ask you to edit it for me?

@whimsicalwhims: I would not mind at all. Send to me at any time. :slight_smile:

I almost wish I could do over the application process, there are so many things I would change. But I know I tried my best and there’s no ude worrying about it now. But still… MARCH 10 COME FASTER! I can’t stop imagining myself at my dream school!!! Just wondering (to keep the excitement levels up) what are your guys’ top school choices and what were your best/worst interviews (wit details lol)

My faves are A and E.

My best in person interview so far was probably Lville, with Andover second. My best Skype interview is Deerfield, with Kent second.

my faves r E and SPS and I think my best in person was Lville too but Skype was SPS by far. @mathman1201 who was ur lvilld interviewer?

Well since I only had one interview, it’d have to be my Exeter one. But it really did go great. We talked a lot about other things not pertaining to Exeter.

I also got the packet thing they sent it. It made me so happy but sad at the same time.

When did u guys receive ur packages? I haven’t received mine…

@Davis2298: It’s not necessarily a package, per say, you can request it on their website. Go to, click on Admissions, and then “Request Information”. That’s how I got mine.

I was sent a packet but I picked another one up at the admissions office along with a school newspaper.

As for the essay… My Loomis one was about a hundred and twenty words over the limit. Didn’t know there was a limit until after submission. I still got in though, take from that what you will.

@mrnephew Okay… Thank you!

I don’t know where to write this; I haven’t read through this thread so don’t hate me if it’s already been said or is completely out of place.

I can’t believe it’s over. It seems like just last week that my teachers were asking about deadlines and I told them we had time. I still have a couple interviews left, but the ones I did in September and October feel like last month. I’ve had so much fun touring and working on my essays, and I’m going through withdrawal wondering what I’m going to do with my time. And the fact that everything now is out of my control… it’s terrifying. I poured my heart into my essays and I hope they communicate who I am. (Rest assured, CC community, y’all were mentioned in a short answer to one school. :x )

@stargirl3‌ I feel exactly the same way. Although the process was stressful, especially with actual school going on, it was fun! It’s so cool talking to everyone on here and learning more about the school as I go. I actually feel apart of it. And it’s also cool to know we’re going through all of this together.