The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

okay thanks… the lville just needs the transcripts and academic rec/school report. @vanillapuff and yeah, I almost did that once so I can’t help but think that there’s a mistake in something that I sent out too. :expressionless:

This is why I never go back and reread any of the things I submitted after I submit them. I’m too afraid to find anything wrong!

I always checked/double-checked/triple-checked everything before I submitted it. A bit OCD, but I didn’t want to miss anything. xD

Me too! I won’t be able to change anything now so I’m not going to risk looking at submitted essays and stuff, only to find them chock-full of mistakes!

I just reread all of mine, and no major issues (some small typos such as putting two spaces between words). I had one major issue of an essay being half cut off, but that was fixed a long time ago.

Phew. Now I just have to wait.

I re-read my essays so many times that I’m pretty sure I have them both memorized. I was so nervous when I sent them.

Guys do you want to bring back the games that they had last year during the March 10th wait? I remember @needtoboard had a school ranking game. I will go look for it. Yes, I was a lurker since like the February of last year when I got interested in this process :smiley:

Yes bring back the Games!

@vanillapuff Yeah! That would be so fun I remember that thread and how it really got me excited about starting the application process let’s bring that back! =D>

Absolutely not

Oh well, majority rules. :wink:

What is this ranking game?

Yeah what Isit? New on CC

@Davis2298 @thelittleswimmer lol it was basically a stress out game that applicants played last year. You basically vote for and against a list of schools in turns. You don’t have to vote for the schools you are applying to. Yes, it actually is quite pointless, but fun and takes the stress out of everything in my opinion.

@mrnephew c’mon oh well then, not forcing you to join or anything lol

I joined! It’s a lot of fun :smiley: So is anyone else freaking out about March 10? A little over 7 weeks until our fates are decided! Sorry if I’m rambling :smile: but I also like the idea somebody else on this thread had about each person saying 20 facts about themselves, but lets do facts involving boarding school. I’ll start:

  1. I am applying to 5 schools
  2. My dream school is Deerfield or Choate
  3. Last year I toured Groton, but never applied because I wanted my last year at my junior high and wasn’t sure if I wanted to go to Groton for 5 years, I was more interested in other schools with no 8th grade
  4. I’m applying to Deerfield, Choate, Lawrenceville, Hill, and Blair
  5. I confess that I wish I had applied to Hotchkiss and/or Exeter
  6. I regret only applying to 5 schools
  7. I am captain of my school’s lacrosse team
    8)I have played ice hockey for 5 years
  8. I want to swim, but it is the same season as hockey and I would be horrible
  9. In fall, I want to run cross country or play volleyball depending on the school.
  10. My favorite tour guide was at Hill
  11. My best interview was at Blair
  12. Art is not my strong point, but I work in my school’s performing arts center as set design
  13. I work for my school’s yearbook
  14. One of the dumbest things I thought I said to an interviewer turned out to spark a connection between us
  15. I already am planning what I want my dorm to look like (whoops)
  16. I love social studies
  17. I don’t hate any subject (honestly) but English at my school is kind of bleh
  18. I love to write. I’m hoping Harness tables can help me enjoy English more since it won’t be the teacher giving long lectures
  19. 52 DAYS UNTIL M10!!! :+1: so scared

I thought I would join in and do 20 facts about me

  1. I am applying to six school (DA (Deerfield), MX (Middlesex), Choate, Hkiss, Groton, and PA (Andover))
  2. My top choice is DA
  3. I also really like Choate and Groton
  4. I know a current student at every school I am applying to except MX
  5. My school has a 9th grade so if I dont get in I will be sad but it wont be tragic
    6)I am getting my school report card sometime in the next few days, and I know all my grades already but Im still nervous for some reason.
    7)My best friend in real life is also applying to boarding school but she doesn’t post on cc
  6. I love theatre and am a broadway fan
  7. I want to row crew at boarding school
  8. I sort of know the director of admissions at Choate
  9. I have also started picking out dorm room decorations
  10. March 10th is during my school’s spring break
  11. My best interview was probably Groton or Choate but all the others went really well
  12. My worst interview was Hkiss it wasn’t bad just felt sort of flat
  13. I really want to meet people from cc at revisit days for schools (if I can go to any revisit days that is)
  14. there are some people at my school who are sure they are going to get into some really competitve schools. Which makes me feel awkward.
  15. I only took the SSAT once because the first time I took it my score was good enough
  16. If I dont get in anywhere this year I will reapply next year to more schools
  17. I am a dual citizen of the US and the UK but currently live in the US
  18. ITS 52 DAYS UNTIL M10

20 random facts about me:

  1. I live in New England.
  2. I have 3 friends I know in real life that are applying to prep schools.
  3. I am currently in 8th grade.
  4. My favorite colors are red and pink.
  5. My favorite subject is english, but my best subject is math.
  6. I really like cookies.
  7. I don’t like flying on planes, but I fly on them quite a bit.
  8. I usually read 2-3 books at the same time.
  9. I currently have an A+ in all of my classes.
  10. Spiders freak me out.
  11. My house is right next to a forest.
  12. My favorite fruit is pineapple.
  13. I drink tea a lot.
  14. Before discovering the CC forums, I spent a lot of time on AoPS.
  15. I’m pretty tall for my age, although I think I stopped growing.
  16. I have read the Harry Potter series 25 times.
  17. I am currently using a Macbook Air.
  18. I wonder what the AOs will think of my apps.
  19. I can’t believe that some of us on here will be at BS in about 8.5 months!
  20. I am dreading/excited about M10.

I’m so glad I found this thread because only boarding school applicants know the stress :confused:

Before I begin my 20 facts:

“16) I have read the Harry Potter series 25 times.”

Oh, my gosh. You are dedicated. :o @goldenfygg‌ What house??? I’m a Ravenclaw.

  1. I’m Indian but I live in KSA.
  2. I love writing. (You couldn’t tell from my username. Anybody on FFN/FP?)
  3. I hate insects of all kinds.
  4. I love reading (LoTR though.) beyond everything else :heart:
  5. I’m applying to seven schools: five are on my Chance Me thread, the others are Hotchkiss and Cranbrook.
  6. I have several boarding-school-attending friends/friends applying this year. It’s norm here.
  7. I love bananas.
  8. My sister is obsessed with Monster High.
  9. No, I do not ride a camel to school, just saying.
  10. March 10th cries I am so nervous.
  11. 11 is my favorite number.
  12. I recently became this HUGE fan of Coldplay.
  13. I’ve gotten awful grades in all my art classes in middle school xP (Minus the music classes.)
  14. Even though boarding school is pretty normal here, and after finishing most of my interviews + apps, I have no clear idea what to expect for boarding school life.
  15. One of my boarding school friends had problems at the airport returning for winter break. Apparently it was a full-panic situation- they needed money to change his ticket/something, and he didn’t have any- but he handled it pretty well. That is scary, personally, really scary.
  16. My room is really neat compared to some of my friends’.
  17. I’m sick at the moment. Flu sucks.
  18. I have quite a few internet friends. :slight_smile:
  19. My math notebook last year was miniature. I don’t know how I survived with it. It was like, 10 in square, maximum.
  20. I’m vegetarian. That’s one of my most pressing concerns about boarding school, tbh.

@thatwritingdream I’m a Slytherin. And about the vegetarian thing, I’m quite certain that most boarding schools have vegetarian options and may allow you to even bring a mini fridge to put certain things in! :slight_smile: So don’t stress out too much about that, I’m sure you won’t be the only vegetarian at BS.

@thatwritingdream: Everyone at BS is very diverse, so I am sure that BS would have options for vegetarians. Don’t worry. :slight_smile: