The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Okay, here are my twenty things.

  1. I’m only applying to one school.
  2. I’ve been on this thread since it started (:’-))
  3. Applying for boarding school is absurd around here.
  4. Only 3 of my friends know that I’m applying.
  5. I’m quitting my sport when the season is over.
  6. All of my friends make fun of me for being so studious and organized (in a nice way lol)
  7. I’m in the house Hufflepuff (Thought I’d keep the HP trend going)
  8. I love to read and write.
  10. I started drinking coffee in July and now I get excited about drinking it in the morning before I go to bed.
  11. I used to be so obsessed with wheat thins. (But now it’s cheez-its)
  12. I wear leggings more than jeans because, well, who wouldn’t?
  13. My feet and hands are always cold. Always.
  14. M10 is two weeks before my Spring Break so I’ll either be sad or super excited then. Hoping it’s the latter.
  15. I was once so sunburnt that my entire face was peeling, blistering, and super red. (TMI?)
  16. I’m most proud of my first semester report card because it shows how hard I worked.
  17. I’m on the fourth season of Criminal Minds.
  18. I have my second soccer practice of the day in about an hour. (Sigh. Sigh. Sigh.)
  19. My backpack always has, at least, three books.
  20. I hate when people force me to run. I’d be much more motivated if I did it on my own free will.

I’ll try to do twenty things without risking my anonymity. XD

  1. I’m applying to two schools
  2. None of my friends know I’m applying to BS
  3. Frappuccinos. Are. Life.
  4. I check my email obsessively throughout the day. I’m not sure why, lol.
  5. Practically all I wear are workout pants (they’re like tights, but thicker! xD) with sweatshirts.
  6. I’d say I’m right in the middle of girly-girl and tomboy.
  7. I am secretly addicted to Person of Interest
  8. I love, love, love my extracurriculars
  9. I actually don’t like ice cream
  10. I check Instagram a lot…
  11. I am in eighth grade.
  12. Out of all my teachers that I asked for recs, only one has heard about the schools I am applying to.
  13. I think I am on the verge of having a cold. My throat is really dry and scratchy. :frowning:
  14. I hate hot chocolate.
  15. I can’t wait until summer
  16. I have a large collection of sketchbooks, most of which I haven’t used yet
  17. I don’t understand why some are addicted to Youtube
  18. I wish I was a lot taller
  19. I am female (as you can see, I’ve run out of ideas)
  20. I hope I am accepted to both of the BS I am applying to.

and as a bonus: 21) I don’t think I’ll survive until M10 with all of this waiting and how anxious I am!

woah this thread really grew… anyway hi.

  1. I’m applying to eight schools, god the amount of essays almost killed me…
  2. Almost everyone knows about my applying to boarding school because people at my school are nosy. :blush:
  3. I’m sick right now
  4. I have a unhealthy obsession with books (P.S. I’ve read Harry Potter 27 times and counting)
  5. I’m in eighth grade
  6. Love love love love sweatshirts and flannels
  7. Dream school is Hotchkiss
  8. I’m asian -_-
  9. Don’t do any sports, which sort of gives me a disadvantage
  10. My English teacher absolutely HATES me, so yeah…
  11. I have a bad habit of unlocking the doors(?) on my braces, is that weird?
  12. I like pigs, cause they’re cute, adorable, and delicious
  13. Lately I’ve been obsessed with the candy Warheads
  14. I have also been picking out stuff for my dorm (If I get in, of course)
  15. My screen name (Yoonicorn) has a looonnng history to it
  16. I listen to music almost every hour of my life
  17. I’d like to become an artist, but that’s hard to make money off of…
  18. Oh the school’s I’m applying to are Exeter, Andover, SPS, Middlesex, Hotchkiss, Choate, Lawrenceville, and Groton
  19. My birthday is soon so I got $150 worth of books and a ukulele :smile:
  20. My soul has already left my body because of the stress for M10

Might as well go

  1. Despite how bad I am at Math, I am going to attempt to take the AMC 10
  2. My favorite subject is Science
  3. I just like potatoes, anything potatoes, especially mashed potatoes
  4. I have been lurking on CC for a whopping 1 year before I bothered to make an account
  5. My favorite drink is Cream Soda
  6. I try to keep people from knowing I am applying, originally, I planned on not even telling them to prevent embarrassment on M10
  7. …I ended up telling them anyways
  8. I am in 9th grade
  9. I hate hot drinks, everything has to be iced
  10. I also love instant noodles, yeah i know they are unhealthy
  11. I waste too much time on CC, but is that a bad thing? :wink:
  12. I often go on what I call Wikipedia adventures. I read one article, and then hyperlink after hyperlink; It isn’t until when I am back into awareness that I realize I burned around an hour of my time
  13. I am interested in architecture
  14. I am a boy
  15. I am really bad at inspiration
  16. I really like the Yale campus, it is really beautiful
  17. I love Shake Shack
  18. I like programming
  19. I actually play computer games quite a bit
  20. I have already started preparing myself for rejection :frowning:

@vanillapuff Have you ever tried the wikipedia game, where you hit random and use the hyperlinks to get to a page you want to go to. It is really fun when you are laying as a race!

I do that too, @vanillapuff (the “Wikipedia adventures”) :slight_smile:

Apparently being a vegetarian at Lawrenceville is hard. Our food is pretty mediocre tbh.

What is the usual menu? @mrnephew

Do many boarding schools cater to individual dietary restrictions? Back in the day, my BS served one meal to all, and those who didnt partake went hungry!

Do most schools have a buffet type of thing?

At schools like Andover and Exeter, one has a multitude of options available, including vegan. A school like Groton would be more like dinner at my house, i.e. Mom says, “This is what I’m cooking tonight; if you don’t want it, you know where the Nutella is.”

@Stargirl3 can certainly provide more insight based upon her experiences exploring various dining halls for vegan options.

Many schools have a link to the menu on their website. I remember having good options at Blair and Exeter, and seeing (but not trying) good options at Andover, Deerfield, and Lawrenceville. Groton doesn’t have much that’s vegan, but I get the feeling that the kitchen would happily take requests.

In general, it’s probably easier at schools with more casual dining halls. Deerfield, which is mostly sit-down, has good menu options but I’ve seen complaints in their school paper about portion sizes of the vegan alternatives and rules about getting up for more.

Honestly, I’m not worried about food. I’ll definitely stay vegan. Once I’m accepted I can worry about what to put on my plate. But for now, I’ll worry about the two midterms I have tomorrow.

I never had the fortune to visit any of my BS, so can any of you describe how the food is generally? What is served?

Here are my twenty things:

  1. I love Harry Potter (Gryffindor)
  2. I’m applying to 4 schools (we narrowed it down big time)- Andover, Exeter, Deerfield, and L’Ville
  3. I love love love the T.V. show FRIENDS!!!
  4. Rachel is my favorite character because I can relate to her :wink: :blush:
  5. Jennifer Aniston, Amy Adams, Helena Bonham Carter, and Audrey Hepburn are my favorite actresses
  6. I have moderate ADD, but it doesn’t affect my work (most of the time)
  7. When I told my friends I had ADD, they thought I was a demigod (ala Percy Jackson style)
  8. I cannot live without chocolate
  9. I love Asian cuisine (Chinese, Japanese, Indian), and Mexican cuisine
  10. Tim Burton and Steven Speilberg are my favorite directors
  11. My favorite word is whimsical
  12. Blue is my favorite color
  13. I live in leggings and have a weird aversion to jeans
  14. I’m Indian
  15. IOS is better than Android- Apple is better than Samsung
  16. I like things that are weirdly morbid :neutral_face:
  17. I love fortune cookie, I don’t know why…
  18. I’m addicted to Instagram and Buzzfeed
  19. I’m weirdly superstitious, and believe in ghosts, and other supernatural beings
  20. I’m a francophile and would love to visit Paris one day.

I hate you all for making me want to do this. But here goes.

  1. This is my 3rd time applying.
  2. I'm applying to a lot of schools.
  3. I have one first choice but it would be an absolute dream come true to go to any of them.
  4. When I try to fall asleep, I love daydreaming about opening my letters on M10 with my mom, my brother, and my English teacher.
  5. My mom is my favorite person.
  6. My English teacher is one of my favorite people.
  7. English is life.
  8. While I don't currently enjoy Spanish class, I'm so grateful that I'm almost fluent and it's something I want to pursue.
  9. My English teacher is fantastic.
  10. We have lunch together once a cycle (Monday, I'm waiting for you!).
  11. I play ukulele.
  12. I miss working on essays with my English teacher.
  13. I have this recurring daydream of my English teacher taking me on a tour of her alma mater when (if) I get in.
  14. I have a dog, a cat, and an older brother.
  15. I'm vegan.
  16. I eat a ridiculous amount of peanut butter.
  17. I'm taking creative writing next semester and I CANNOT WAIT.
  18. Last night at School Council, the principal suggested starting with introductions; my eyes bulged out and I ooohed audibly. She asked if I had anything exciting to share and I said, "No, I just really like introductions." Everyone laughed, including the aforementioned English teacher. I was hysterical.
  19. I love semicolons; they rock.
  20. I have a wine glass that I painted at a youth group thing a couple years ago that I've started filling with handwritten anecdotes that make me smile. 20 (I can't count): I LOVE GILMORE GIRLS!

@mathman1201 It’s institutional food; there’s not a lot you can do when you’re serving hundreds of meals 3X per day. That said, they do make an effort to make it nutritionally balanced. Some of the food is good, some is ehhhh.

Some schools (NMH and Hotchkiss come to mind) grow/raise a lot of their own food. Many other schools try to locally source a large percentage of their purchases, which is good for the area economy.

Many schools have the weekly menus online. Google “XXX dining” and see.

Thanks for the info skieurope.

Thanks for the info skieurope.

We have our Big Red Farm, and the produce is fresh, but our dining hall gets boring after a while. As a good vegan turned vegetarian friend of mine can attest to, being vegan at Lawrenceville is extremely difficult.

Usually we have meat of some kind, usually chicken or pork/beef, and a grain thing, like pasta or rice, and a bar of different things like chili or pizza bagels and the like.

Seniors have their own dining hall, and apparently food in there is a lot better.