The M10 Freak Out Thread Applicants 2015

Yes, that happened to me at one school! For the other schools it sent but I didn’t get any reply back.

@goldenfygg: Can you PM me that school’s name? I think we had the same problem!

February is the last full month before we officially know. That’s freaky. Where did the time go?

I know… February is also the month where all of them make their decisions.

It’s a scary month.

Anyone here applying for Andover’s class of 2017?

I had a nightmare last night that I got rejected everywhere. I woke up, shuddering. Then, I fell back asleep. I had another nightmare where I was rejected everywhere except one school, and my enemies got into my dream school. We were in an awards ceremony where we had to go up to a stage to get our acceptance letters from AOs (I have no idea where that came from), and then as I went to the stage, I didn’t have any clothes on. The AO from the school rejected me in front of the whole school.

IT WAS SUCH A SCARY DREAM!!! I am absolutely terrified for March.

Nope. ^^

Best of Luck to everyone here either way… I hear the weather is terrible on the east coast.

I’m taking another hiatus. ¡Hasta luego! :-h

Bye, stargirl! Come back soon!

@FuturePA17: Class of 2019 for me.

That sounds awful. Especially finding out if you got accepted in front of the whole school.

I know, it was horrible.

Today was my last interview for all the boarding schools ad ahhhhhhhhhhh just a few more weeks now until M10 [-O<

@downtonabbey: I had all of my interviews too a few days ago. They were amazing and I LOVED visiting campus. Is it weird that I already miss the campuses even though I was only there for about approx. 2 hours?

Lucky!! I’m on west coast so I couldn’t visit any of the schools but my interview today was AMAZING (I think) @thelittleswimmer

@downtonabbey: If you have the chance, I would DEFINITELY recommend visiting on-campus. It gives you a fresh, whole new perspective and outlook to the schools than what you just see in pictures. I don’t think of the schools I applied to the same way as I did before. BS and the schools look really intimidating over the Internet, but when you see it in person, you can actually see yourself attending those schools (at least that is what happened to me). :smiley:

Yes, exactly what @thelittleswimmer said!

I wish I could, I was planning on going for re-visit day to get a feel for the schools but there’s no way right now because of school [-(

@FuturePA17 Hopefully you won’t regret that choice of username.